Inspection of Emotions 1919

by writetoknow 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • writetoknow

    The point I am making is Jehovah's Witnesses now days are so critical of anyone making a biblical decision based on emotions rather then facts. They are very critical of other groups claiming such personal communication from God. They mark those groups as part of Babylon the Great deserving of death at the end of the world.

    I sincerely doubt that most of modern day Jehovah's Witnesses realize that their faith rest on a personal experience rather then what they demand and judge other groups for not having factual biblical proof.

    Rutherford hadn't come to power at this time, but later when he did he vulcanized these early doctrinal points and was very ruff on those that disagreed. Russell on the other hand, concerned himself more with building charcter. Later there would be a division over promoting Rutherfords ruff treatment pushings conformity rather then Russell kinder gentler approach. Which by the way created another new doctrine based on personal experience call the "evil slave class".

  • AlphaOmega


    Moreover, if you have read the publication during that period they reveal that the inspection period was based on “emotions” rather then fact.

    Can you give any references for this - I'd love to add it to my collection.


  • writetoknow

    I no longer have my library of Watchtower publications. I once went back into the studies in the scriputures by Russell and before. The information I am talking about started later in Rutherfords times his first books like the Harp of God. The Light books.

    I wish I could recall the exact book for you, but I can't. However, I do remember there was more then one place this experience was talked about within the early publications. They refer to the time when some went to jail which also included Russell and leading members of the corportation. Do to those experiences members were searching for answers they came up with the idea that Christ had appeared as predicted in 1914 causing World War One to happen by throwing Satan out of Heaven, Satan then attacked the Bible Students having its leaders put into jail later to be released and cleared of all charges.

    That is the period of inspection of the faithful and discreet slave class. Once back in power much like the apostle in the upper room they received Holy Spirit and the rest is history as they say!

    I wish I could be more helpful on the exact publication, but I do believe you will find it in many of the early publications. The point is it was a very emotional time for those associated with the Bible Students a time of testing that required a biblical explanation, thus, a search for understanding and from an emotional experience conjuctured the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses today. Moreover, that experience is so written into the doctrine if you disagree with it you will be disfellowshipped for it.

    If a person has such a powerful experience and is bold enough to think that they are fulfilling modern day prophecy the Witnesses would laugh at them. Because it was put into a form of legal writing by Judge Rutherford incorporated into the Watchtower Bible tract society it appears powerful and intimating so as not to questions the veracity of the personal experience claims.

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