On the front page of the KM in the Branch letter it was proudly annouced that 51 million Kingdom News
No. 37 were placed. The best example that they could point to to show the success of this work was after
receiving a copy, an inactive sister had trouble sleeping. The next Sunday, she attended the meeting an requested
a Bible study. Wow, placing 51 million tracts was a real success. What really got me pissed off is here is
a person who stopped going to the meetings, stopped going out in service, no longer associated with the
congregation and is called an "inactive sister". Now we turn the page in the KM to the question box that has
been previously discussed on this site. Here we find that Witnesses who are doing independent research on
Bible related subjects, or have established groups to learn the Biblical languages of Hebrew and Greek, or are
exploring scientific subjects related to the Bible, are called in the Question box "associates" and "individuals".
They don't deserve to be called brothers and sisters. I guess you need to stop going to the meetings and
stop going out in service then you qualify to be an "inactive brother or sister."
If if looks like a cult and walks like a cult and talks like a cult then it must me a cult.