While travelling over the past weekend, we stayed at a hotel for one evening. I tend to notice things - that evidently no one else does.
Due to some regulations, signs now have braille text on them. Like room numbers and such.
Anyway... walking down the hall, I will look at each sign and see the information on that particular sign repeated in braille. Except for some.
For example, they had one that said 'Pool' - and not indicated in braille. I can only imagine if they ever get someone there who cannot see, 'reads' this sign - which is 'blank' as far as they are concerned, and turns down that hallway - to exit into the pool area. (*KerSplash!!*)
Another one that did not have any braille was the exercise room. Now... I cannot see a blind person using the exercise equipment - but it should still be on the sign in braille - to prevent the person from entering the room and possibly getting hurt.
I believe that they also didn't have the fire exit - or stairs - marked in braille. Now THIS - I feel is a potential safety issue - if there is ever any fire... although... I'm not sure if a blind person could manuever the stairwell very well. In any case, it should be marked in braille - just so anyone blind doesn't get 'lost' or confused, and enter the stairwell - looking for their room number (which is plainly marked in braille).
Oh well... probably not that important in the whole scheme of things, but like I said in the subject line, it's something to make you go 'hmmmm'. I tend to notice things like this.
Jim TX