Signs that make you go 'hmmmm'...

by Jim_TX 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jim_TX

    While travelling over the past weekend, we stayed at a hotel for one evening. I tend to notice things - that evidently no one else does.

    Due to some regulations, signs now have braille text on them. Like room numbers and such.

    Anyway... walking down the hall, I will look at each sign and see the information on that particular sign repeated in braille. Except for some.

    For example, they had one that said 'Pool' - and not indicated in braille. I can only imagine if they ever get someone there who cannot see, 'reads' this sign - which is 'blank' as far as they are concerned, and turns down that hallway - to exit into the pool area. (*KerSplash!!*)

    Another one that did not have any braille was the exercise room. Now... I cannot see a blind person using the exercise equipment - but it should still be on the sign in braille - to prevent the person from entering the room and possibly getting hurt.

    I believe that they also didn't have the fire exit - or stairs - marked in braille. Now THIS - I feel is a potential safety issue - if there is ever any fire... although... I'm not sure if a blind person could manuever the stairwell very well. In any case, it should be marked in braille - just so anyone blind doesn't get 'lost' or confused, and enter the stairwell - looking for their room number (which is plainly marked in braille).

    Oh well... probably not that important in the whole scheme of things, but like I said in the subject line, it's something to make you go 'hmmmm'. I tend to notice things like this.


    Jim TX

  • SnakesInTheTower

    Jim_TX.....did you ever notice any misspellings in braille?

    (dont laugh I did....I learned to read Grade 1 Braille at one time for proofreading purposes...never followed through..dont remember it all now)

    Snakes ()

  • nvrgnbk

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    I cannot see a blind person using the exercise equipment

    In the spirit of your post, I thought this was funny.

    Open Mind

  • sweetface2233
    For example, they had one that said 'Pool' - and not indicated in braille. I can only imagine if they ever get someone there who cannot see, 'reads' this sign - which is 'blank' as far as they are concerned, and turns down that hallway - to exit into the pool area. (*KerSplash!!*)

    I just got a mental pic of that situation...LOL!!!!!!!!

  • nvrgnbk

    Ever wondered what braille porn looks like?

    Wonder no more...

  • Jim_TX

    Here's another one.

    In the men's restroom at a local diner, they have a baby changing station affixed to the wall.

    The instructions in english are simple... something along the lines of 'open table, lay baby on table - change diaper' - or similar. Brief and to the point. Right?

    Well, in braille... there are about 10 lines of 'dots' that are about 24" long. Not sure what they're saying... but it's scary, if a blind person needs that much instruction on how to use a changing table. Plus - they can only 'read' these instructions when the table is folded closed. Perish the thought that the blind person lays their baby on the table... then needs to read the next instruction or two on how to use the table. (*Flip* - *see baby go flying towards the open toilet*)

    Just makes one wonder...


    Jim TX

  • sweetface2233
    Ever wondered what braille porn looks like?

    Nvr, only YOU would wonder what braille porn is like.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hey there Jim,

    Hope you don't mind me practicing on your thread. Nvr just gave me a picture posting tutorial for 40-something morons like me. Here goes.

    Did it work? *crosses fingers*

    Open Mind

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    Watch out now JWD, a pikture postin' fool has just been unleashed!!



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