The WT has pulled the carpet from under the dubs feet again and again concerning the nearness of Armageddon.
Now that you know you're getting older, do you look after your health more? Do you try to stay looking young?
You know you're going to get old - do you take better care of yourself?
by truthseeker 13 Replies latest jw friends
I do not want to repeat the health problems my parents and grandparents had. Almost all of them were preventable and atagonized by poor vitamin and mineral intake. I take a very broad spectrum high dose vit, mineral, amino acid, EFA and antioxidant supplement. When my dad was my age he had several health problems, none of which I have repeated.
Our health is one of those things that if we ignore it, it will go away.
Yes, I started yesterday!
yeah, I saw what diabetes did to my mother, decided I didn't want to get diabetes, went on a research program - guinea pig for a med that was proven in European trials to help prevent diabetes in people with risks.
Plenty of beets and prunes today, followed by a light dinner, and a long walk at a beach. I think obesety is the number 1 issue in North America. It helped that I cut off almost completely soft drinks. i tried diet stuff, but it gave me headaches, and a hyperactive bladder.
If older men pee a lot and you drink lots of that aspartame poisoned crap, you really should stop, especially if urination is a problem all night.
Yes, I watched the movie Wild Hogs tonight, were all getting fat and old including, John Travolta, William H Massey, Tim Allen and Martin. Time to pass the torch. I ran track and worked out in school and never stopped. I try to eat healthy but its a battle some days. But I'm still alive at 55. I got a handful of friends that arent. Even when I thought I was going to live forever I ate balanced meals and slept 6 to 8 hours a day.
I've worked out at the gym for the last 6 years three times a week about 1-1/2 hours each time and get some exercise in at home on the other days. I've lost 25 pounds since last February. Yes, getting older has motivated me. I've seen how difficult it was for my parents as their bodies began to fall apart. If there's anything I can do to slow the pace, I'll do it.
How do I find the time to work out since I work full time? The three exercise sessions per week replace three meetings at the KH per week and the time that I spend exercising at home replace the time I would have otherwise spent studying for those meetings.
LOL, I have started using a facial cream to help minimize the crowsfeet and laughlines.
Para and I are both on diets, although he is doing better than I am.
Bobbi(fighting the signs of aging) -
Yes indeed. Mrs. Flipper and I eat fish, Salmon or Tuna 2 times a week at least. Salads virtually every night. We don't eat a lot of beef or steaks. Every so often, but we take vitamins regularly and exercise walking in mountains a lot. Love to hike in mtns. So, it helps. Neither one of us smokes or does drugs so yeah we try to stay healthy
From Dr Atkins: "........meat, fish and fowl isn't a hardship......people ate much the same way in the 19th century. They were beef and pork eaters and their use of butter and eggs was unrestricted. In fact the two most widely used fats of all were lard and beef tallow.....In the crucial period between 1910-1970 when coronary heart disease escalated to become the killer of more than half he population, the intake of animal fat and butter dropped. Meanwhile the intake of refined carbohydrates(mainly sugar, corn syrup and white flour) escalated 60%......Even before the onset of agriculture, the human animal was able for millenniums to remain strong and healty in conditions of often savage deprivation by eating the fish and animals that scampered and swam around him, and the fruits and vegetables and berries that grew nearby.....without medicine, expertise, and insulated housing....Two hundred years ago the average person ate less than 10 lbs of sugar a year. About 110 years ago the lid blew off the sugar canister. In the 1890's the craze for cola beverages swept the nation - which means when we got thirsty and craved water, we got sugar as well......The net result was that sugar intake, which had averaged 12 lbs/yr in 1828 was nearly 10 times that in 1928...That was bad enough. But what's worse, once refined flour met up with sweetness and saltiness, the junk food business was off and running......The latest Dept of Agriculture statistics show that the average American consumed 124 lbs of caloric sweeteners in 1975, principally refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup . By 1999 it had risen to 158 lbs. The whole problem of sugar was compounded by the low fat messages we were bombarded with during the 1980's-90's. To make low fat products taste good, the manufactures add lots of sugar. It's not real food, it's fake food, along with plenty of other chemical additives. If you want to be slim and vigorous, you can't eat as I've described. Nor do you have to eat like a rabbit. You can enjoy fish, lamb, steak and lobster, nuts berries, cheese eggs and butter along with a wonderful variety of salad greens and other vegetables. Once you've reached your goal weight, you can eat larger helpings of healthy carbohydrate foods. When I speak of negative carbohydrates I refer primarily to refined flour, milk and white rice. Excessive carbohydrate intake results in high amounts of blood sugar that may over stimulate insulin production. The body attempts to adjust by liberating counter-regulating hormones like adrenalin...but another stiff dose can overpower the effect of these hormones. For some the bodily insult of massive insulin release to deal with massive blood-glucose levels has been going on for years, causing the glucose-regulating mechanism in the body to break down, initiating unstable blood sugar and eventually diabetes. Protein in excess converts to glucose in the liver and requires some insulin to transport it to the cells; fat requires essentially none. And what happens when there's too much insulin? The cells become desensitized to the action of insulin so that it can no longer effectively transport glucose to them. This is known as insulin resistance. At this point, your body's hormonal system is in desperate straits. Insulin is being secreted more and more and doing it's job less and less effectively, you crave sweets and carbs, and the liver converts more and more glucose to stored fat. Am I advocating a high fat diet? Not in the long run. As you progress , the actual amount of fat you consume will diminish. But as long as you're at the lower end of carbohydrate consumption, higher fat consumption poses no threat. Your body is simply converted from a sugar consuming mechanism to one that relies on fat for energy. Look at the Frenchman. Only a few decades ago, the Frenchman with his butter-cheese and goose-liver pate diet had a heart disease fate 60% lower than his American counterpart. The French woman did even better. The French also had far lower rates of obesity despite the fact that their diet was higher in fat! They ate comparable amounts of meat and fish, but 4 times the amount of butter and 2 times the amount of cheese. What does it all mean? Could it by any chance have anything to do with the fact that the per captia consumption of sugar in the US was 5 times higher than that of France?" Body's a machine, It needs grease.