Anyone know all of the GB members at this time?
Current members of the GB
by Shawn10538 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
Bashful,Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy... and Rudolph (has a red nose).
Let's see there is.......
John Barr, Samuel Herd, Geoffrey Jackson, Theodore Jaracz(the boss), Stephen Lett, Gerrit Losch, Anthony Morris III, Guy Pierce, David Splane
I expect there to be an addition soon.
Witness 007
John Barr and Theodore Jaracz are the only ones who were born before the 1935 cut off for the anionted so who the hell are all these young guys, born in the 1950's??? Check out the photo in the proclaimers book, all dead except these two!!
Witness 007
Also photo's and bio's are at Watchers of the Watchtower\ governing
They're the "replacements" of all the anointed that fell away. Oh wait....I forgot.....all of the anointed MIGHT not be filled yet.
John Barr and Theodore Jaracz are the only ones who were born before the 1935 cut off for the anionted so who the hell are all these young guys, born in the 1950's??? Check out the photo in the proclaimers book, all dead except these two!!
Supposedly Jaracz wasn't baptized until the 1940s. If he was born in 1925 as claimed by some sources, then he would've only been 10 years old in 1935.
I ate with the GB!
- wac (X Bethelite for 10 years in Crooklyn)
White Dove
Para listed them all.
:Para listed them all. Uh uh. What about Larry, Curly and Moe?