Noah picture exclusives

by KW13 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    Megan will be really pleased to see all these replies, its as good as having loads of cards!

    We really appreciate the help and support we've had from you all, you have all been amazing and honestly we couldnt of asked for better friends and family

  • greendawn

    Congratulations Karl for the birth of your first child and for becoming a father. You started nice and early too, you will have plenty of time to see him grow.

  • Clam

    Congratulations Karl, Megan and Noah. Lovely pictures.


  • ronin1

    Congrats-the pics are beautiful.

    Everything changes have a beautiful new life to take care of.

    Do not be overly concerned that Megan was 'nasty' with you. Just remember what she had to go through (labor and all) to bring Noah into this world safely.

    Best wishes for you both and Noah.

  • KW13

    definitely, i know she wasnt being personal or anythin' twas actually funny to look back on!

    thanks again folks, glad you enjoyed lookin at the pictures.

  • Mary

    Aaawwww.......he's so cute. He looks like his mommy!!

    Congratulations Karl------now you be good and treat Megan like a queen!

  • KW13

    I will Mary, i agree the spitting image of Megan with lil bits of me in him!!

  • dobbie

    Hooray!!!My internets been down and i've just managed to find this thread by going into your profile - CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    So happy for you both and he is a little sweetie. Now i know what you look like too don't know which of you looks cuter! Quite understand that Megan would want to vet her photos before putting them on here, i hate the ones hubby took of me after having Rowan! I was still being stitched up at the time too!

    Is Megan home now or has she got to stay in for a bit, i know hospitals vary a bit on that. Ah i'm all broody now, newborns are my favourite.

    Congratulations and welcome to the world little Noah, you have certainly had alot of people looking forward to hearing all about you. xx

  • bluebell


  • KW13

    Noah and Megan are staying in a bit later than normal because he is just starting to feed properly now - he was really tired from the labour and drugs megan was takin, so they just want to keep an eye on both of them and make sure megan is happy. she is getting all the practical advice and help she can.

    Also - he looks a bit different again, everyday he looks better and better and i find myself missing both of 'em more!

    Thanks for your kind words!

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