Illegal Immigration is not a Crime!

by sammielee24 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    According to Rudy now I'm confused. I thought it was a federal issue...

    "It's not a crime," Giuliani said Friday. "I know that's very hard for people to understand, but it's not a federal crime."

    Giuliani's comments came in an interview with CNN Headline News and radio talk-show host Glenn Beck.

    "I was U.S. attorney in the Southern district of New York," he said. "So believe me, I know this. In fact, when you throw an immigrant out of the country, it's not a criminal proceeding. It's a civil proceeding

  • zeroday
    According to Rudy

    Rudy is a "RINO" Republican in name only...

  • bigdreaux

    that sounds like something W would say?

    illegal immagration, is i can't wrap my brain around that.

  • BrentR

    Don't shoot the messenger. Alot of federal regulations are civil and have civil penalties. I had a run in with the FCC and all of it was civil, not criminal. BTW, I won!

    The gov. makes money by levying fines on people not putting them in prison.

  • Gopher

    During election campaigns, candidates who say things like this that are TECHNICALLY correct but CONFUSING get penalized.

    It's like when John Kerry explained that he voted against the war before voting for it. It had to do with a congressional procedure that few cared to understand, and made him look really stupid.

    I expect that conservative Republicans will jump all over the more moderate Giulani about this.

    He should have just said "We can't prosecute 12 million illegal immigrants, but we can deport those who cause trouble. Also as president I pledge to make our boders more secure." Those are positions he has, and he has said these things, he should have just stuck to them.

    His confusing language (about it 'not being a crime') was not needed and may end up hurting him.

  • greendawn

    Are there 12 milliom illegal immigrants in the USA? If as I take most of these are Mexicans and if they carry on increasing in numbers they will eventually take the country over or at least the South.

  • BrentR

    They allready have and they vote because in the US some states do not require proof of citizenship to register. It is totally out of control and 12 mil is probably a very conservative estimate.

  • bigdreaux

    i've seen estimates as high as 20 mil. but, there's nothing to validate that.

  • SixofNine

    "i can't wrap my brain around that."

    Sure you can. It's illegal to speed, but speeders are not criminals and speeding is not a crime.

  • bigdreaux

    uh, yeah it is. they can arrest you for speeding. if you ever got a ticket, look close. it says you got that in lieu of arrest. so, yeah, it is a crime.

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