Its all good, bigdreaux, I meant the ones that criticize have esteem issues. I never thought that about you!
BTW - I'm glad you stayed.
by DazedAndConfused 26 Replies latest jw friends
Its all good, bigdreaux, I meant the ones that criticize have esteem issues. I never thought that about you!
BTW - I'm glad you stayed.
thanks, me too.
Personally i always think it's thoughful on their part to let us have the chance to wish them luck, say goodbye etc, plus we know not to worry about them rather than if they suddenly stopped posting and we wondered if they were okay. Every single poster on his has probably helped someone else through a comment/experience at some point but if their time to move on and away has come, or time for a break i appreciate them thinking of us and letting us know.
If someone actually leaves this board because they were criticized or made fun of then... Good riddance. Time to grow up people. Expressing ourselves freely I believe is one of the more obvious values of this board. Although we don't want to be unnecessarily harsh, but, come on. I get criticized all the time for my posts. Sometimes I'm glad someone is calling me on my shit. Sometimes I call other people on their shit. I am thankful to be put in my place sometimes. The world is a harsh place at times. I have seen a lot of love on this site as well. So, take the good with the bad.
To all on JWD,
When someone leaves, it is like losing a friend, it makes me sad. This is the last time I will read an "I am leaving" thread. If you are leaving, it will be your responsibility to PM me your contact information, if you want to remain friends.
Well, call me Miss Manners, but I like it when people who won't be posting for a while say goodbye and let us know why, especially if they have been prolific posters. Some of the people on this board do make friends and do get attached to each other. It's kind of like a big party Simon is hosting here for us all. You wouldn't leave a party without saying goodbye would you? Or perhaps it is like therapy for you. You would say goodbye to the others when you left your therapy group wouldn't you?
Plus, my mother just left me when I was ten years old without saying goodbye or giving any explanation. So, I have abandoment issues! I hate it when people just leave with no explanation!
Anyway, I was really surprised at some of the nastier comments also. Why would any poster care if someone else says goodbye and a bunch of other people who liked that poster responded to it? What do you care if someone else gets a bit of attention? If you don't like goodbye threads don't read them or post on them. Just the fact that someone would get so bent out of shape over it says way more about their own hang-ups and issues than it does about the person saying goodbye.