Hello everybody. Just thought of starting this thread because of the problem of living in an emotionally disconnected society as we do. Some of us have shared our personal stories with you all, my wife and mine was , " the Story of Mr. & Mrs. Flipper ". I think it would be good to share some insight into ourselves , then perhaps others on the board will be understanding more deeply about posts that we start. It is really difficult at times to get the entire picture of what is going on in each of our lives, and I feel if we knew a little more about each other, it would promote more of a compassionate sense of understanding in our responses to different people's threads they start.
That being said, I am quite aware of the need for confidentiality as well. Many here are trying to be careful because of having family members on the inside of the witness organization, and don't want to jeopardize that. I understand. I have family on the inside too. However I also remember going to meetings at the kingdom hall feeling lonely and out of touch because of not being in certain cliques or groups. I noticed I was not alone in this. Others would at times sit off in a corner because they did not feel they had anything to offer, or felt they might not be accepted.
Like most of you, probably, I feel like we want to welcome well meaning honest people here on the board, and make them feel welcome. So how do you all feel about people sharing their stories ? Do you enjoy it ? If someone has a semi brief story to tell on this thread, you are certainly welcome! It might just help some of you get some positive input from members of the board with your life, and in the meantime, also make you feel welcome as well! So fire away, let it flow, would enjoy hearing everyone's input as to what you think and if anyone wants to open up about their life or life in general, go for it ! Peace to you all, Mr. Flipper