How to a kill the Watchtower Society.

by 5go 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 5go

    Simply leave the meme your self and don't let it control you any more.

    The Watchtower is a meme. Trying to kill a meme is like trying to kill a god. You can't but you can get out from under it's control your self. If enough people stop letting the meme control them the meme goes away.

    Though what about those on the inside?

    They are in a sence infected much like you were. They will either get better, or get worse. It's up to them.

    What about the damage the meme is doing?

    Memes are really good at hurting people. Though the cure is worse than the disease banning free belief is the only way to fix it. I don't think it's worth it. We may doom our selves to a worse fate a single all powerful collective that has no care for the invidual at all.

  • JCanon

    The WTS along with all religions will be destroyed by the UN when BTG is destroyed. It appears that their funds will be confiscaeted and liklely their legal status as a corporation. What can they do without buildings, presses or Kingdom Halls? The officers likely will be imprisoned or under injunction not to administer or head anything religious. What can be done? Without leadership, the sheep will scatter. Without funds or a legal right to own anything, the WTS leadership will just be men in need of a real job for once. Maybe not if they are under house arrest or something. The "Illuminati", the CIA, will be no more.

    Take away the money and most things die.


  • dark angle
    dark angle

    Hope this would come true!!!! I'm terribly pissed by our CBS and KH lessons which are mostly all claims not proofs and evidence of our beliefs. Its all more terrible since i can't stop associating with these people since my entire family is hook to this illusionary beliefs. Help me please what to do.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles
    Hope this would come true!!!! I'm terribly pissed by our CBS and KH lessons which are mostly all claims not proofs and evidence of our beliefs. Its all more terrible since i can't stop associating with these people since my entire family is hook to this illusionary beliefs. Help me please what to do.

    Welcome dark angel! hang in there dark angel! You are right where you should be that is you NOTICE the lessons have no proof or evidence. At least you are here with a group of people that are trying to come out or have left the Borg! Nice to see you here.

  • fresia

    Its just a matter of time before all comes crashing down, and those of us in the know like you Dark Angle need to be there to help those we love that will be in total shock at what is going to happen. It is amazing that many of the shunned ones will be their to help those friends and family that shunned them.

  • BluesBrother

    The problem is all inside your head, she said to me
    The answer is easy if you take it logically
    Id like to help you in your struggle to be free
    There must be fifty ways to leave your lover

    Just slip out the back, jack
    Make a new plan, stan
    You dont need to be coy, roy
    Just get yourself free
    Hop on the bus, gus
    You dont need to discuss much

    Just drop off the key, Lee ,And get yourself free

    Words by Paul Simon - PS That is easy if one does not have family within the Borg who may shun you if you go...but at least you can be mentally free of their false beliefs, rid of the hang ups and step off the treadmill of meetings, service, & preparation for the next one

  • avengers
    The WTS along with all religions will be destroyed by the UN when BTG is destroyed.

    Bunch of bull. Don't pay any attention to these "false prophets".

    Dark Angel: You are not alone. Many of us here have family in this religion.
    You're in good company here. (most of us anyway)

    Keep up the good work.


  • yaddayadda

    What's a meme and why is the Watchtower Society one?

  • dark angle
    dark angle

    Thanks guys for your ideas and support. Today i just walkout in the middle of our meeting. it so boring and dull, really dull, repetitive ideas and words. I could no longer hold on in that moment so i left my family in the KH. I'm in a beginning of a cold war between my family now.

  • WTWizard

    There is one way to ruin the Watchtower Society. If the people in the field are educated, they will not be able to recruit new members. Without new members, the flow of money is cut off. Those already in cannot donate any more since they cannot get jobs that are better than washing windows and scrubbing toilets (low paying jobs). Once the money runs out, they cannot invade Nigeria and other poor countries without taking on massive debt, which they will inevitably default on.

    Also, when the money runs dry, there will be less incentive for new people to take the ball and continue the organization. If there is no one leading it, then it will fall apart. Of course that means we will have hundreds of cults to deal with instead of one big one. But most of the things against the Watchtower Society will hold true to those splinter cults as well, which will not get off the ground without willing victims. Soon, they will all die off when they run out of people that are scammable.


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