That was a terrible way to bring up a child with constant religious pressure, what did you owe the WTS to have to spend your life at their service and why would it humiliate your family if you didn't? Lots of young dubs never pioneer. It's your mother that needed her head examined, forced baptism and forced pioneering.
Time to tell my story...
by mind my own 31 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome! Good to have you with us.
mind my own
Thank you all for your support!
welcome, glad you and your mind is out of there. I know abuse happens to alot of people, witness or not, what makes it sad from the witness point of view is the hypocrasy of it all, they put themselves forward as a loving religion when they and many of their members are not loving at all.
Hey, thanks for posting this story. I am glad you are here. I hope you have
shed some of that guilt. -
Nathan Natas
Thanks for adding your story to the growing testimony of what "Growing Up Watchtower" is really like!
You know those "My Life In Jehovah's Service" stories in the AWAKE!s? Things for those of us who grew up with Dub parents is quite different.
May I ask about your Dad? You just kind of skipped over him, saying he's out of the picture. Did he die, did he leave your Mom and you kids...??? If it isn't too painful to talk about.
Anyhow, I knew what I was doing was wrong and my conscience was bothering me so I went to the elders. They formed a JC and I told them everything. They were asking really gross, perverted questions which I thought was wrong b/c I had already told them pretty specifically what I had done. I was harshly reprimanded and told I wasn't showing a repentant attitude! Sick. After our meeting, they met for 1/2 hour or so to determine if I was repentant or not... My dad was an elder...
There are so many things wrong with this scenario that it is hard to know where to start!
First, was your dad involved in this discussion or was he spared the humiliation of hearing the private details of your transgressions?
Why were they asking gross perverted questions?
Who are they to determine if you are repentant, when only God know the heart?
Where is the biblical precedent for this type of behaviour?
Thank you for sharing your story.
Lady Liberty
Dear mind my own,
(((HUGS)))!!! You have been through so very much! Thank you for sharing your very personal story with us, as we care about you and are here for you!
Lady Liberty
Thanks for sharing your story. What a shame the "love" this faith is supposed to have did not find it's way to your parents. I honestly think I could take a rod to your Mom's house and splain some things to her! Where did you Dad go.
so sorry and good luck...oompa