I decided to deep six the old one, it was Donald Sutherland from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". To be honest, it even creeped me out. Maybe it was a defence mechanism to keep people at a distance . .
Anyway, I hope you like my new one, it is much more *me*.
I present to you . . . Mr. James Marshall Hendrix, a free spirit if there ever was one, a musical genius who changed the way the guitar is played forever. A genius who was consumed by the industry that gave him his success. He made me realize, in 1967, when I was 14, that there was creative genius out there, that the Borg was not all there was. He woke me up to the beauty of musical expression and poetic prose. I sincerely believe that that awakening way back then was crucial to me being where I am now, out and free.
He was a catalyst.