FDS can read hearts/minds of the dead & know personal destiny.

by oompa 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    All the FDS have to do is ask old bro Charles and he will give them all the answers they need. Remember they claim that he was still running the show from heaven. Easy when you know how!

  • R.F.

    I had been thinking about this very subject alot lately. The FDS once again putting themselves in positions they ought not.

  • oompa

    Fresia says:

    Judas felt so ashamed for what he did, he obviously thought there would be no forgivness, so he hung himself.

    Maybe he had bi/polar or deep depression. Jehovah is the judge.

    Thank you Fres, I forgot he hung himself, and then went splat due to a technical glitch. However are you joking, or FDS mind reader of the dead too? How can you you say "he obviously thought there would be no forgivness?" Lots of people kill themselves for many different reasons. What if he could just not bear to face the other apostles, was truly sick at heart, had asked for forgivness, and decided he not live with the guilt? Lots of people kill someone close to them, and then kill themselves just due to guilt. let me know, and let me know what my great great grandpa is thinking right now.....oompa

  • sweetstuff

    Yup, that pipeline to god really helps them out!!!

    I think there's some ganga stuff in that pipeline.

  • fresia
    Thank you Fres, I forgot he hung himself, and then went splat due to a technical glitch. However are you joking, or FDS mind reader of the dead too? How can you you say "he obviously thought there would be no forgivness?"

    I say that because I got the impression he was so distraught for what he did, that he may have thought their was no hope for him. Maybe I should not have said obviously, for me that is how it seemed AND I never go that idea from a WT publication.

    Lots of people kill themselves for many different reasons. What if he could just not bear to face the other apostles, was truly sick at heart, had asked for forgivness, and decided he not live with the guilt? Lots of people kill someone close to them, and then kill themselves just due to guilt

    Well not lots of people betray the son of God, he made a choice, and knowing who Jesus was, it didnt' seem out of ignorance did it?

    I used the excuse of depression as a side issue, as ultimately my point is only Jehovah knows if he was repentant. But once his conscience hit him especially when the soldiers came to take Jesus away, it fulfilled bible prophecy, so Judas would have know that. It gives an important lesson also as does all of Jesus parables and stories. Judas betrayed Jesus for money, but he was in control of the money box well before this happened, so it is unlikely that this was a one out insident, he may have been steeling from the money box well before this, so it was a gradual thing. Something in that for all of us, we don't just wake up overnight and say I'm leaving or I'm doing this or that, it happens gradually.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    The good news for Judas is that he still has a chance. The fds might change their mind - they've done it plenty of times before on other issues

    Will the people of Sodom and Gomorrah be eligible for resurrection

    • 1879 - Will be resurrected
    • 1955 - Will not be resurrected
    • 1965 - Will be resurrected
    • 1967 - Will not be resurrected
    • 1974 - Will be resurrected
    • 1988 - Will not be resurrected
    • 1988 - Will be resurrected
    • 1989 - Will not be resurrected


    I agree, it is very presumptious of them to publish this "verdict", but not unusual behaviour for those with a "direct channel of communication " to god.

  • freetosee

    Well, another mind-reading example is often found in the literature when the FDS knows what bible characters, like John writing the rev, are thinking, reasoning and feeling, and also what they are are motivated by when receiving visions or doing other things.


  • M.J.

    "The FDS once again putting themselves in positions they ought not."

    That's the whole issue, isn't it?
    They enforce positions on prophecy, rules & regulations--basically every teaching that makes them distinct--based on scriptural vagueness. Making acceptance of such things a condition of being considered a Christian and a brother. When they are proven to be wrong on these very points by the passage of time, they do not apologize for claiming to know the unknowable, but replace "old light" with "new light"...just another unknowable version of the story.

  • oompa

    Just a side thought, I have always felt sorry for Judas, like he did not really have a chance since so many prophecies had to be fulfilled by someone leading up to Jesus dead. Its like the poor guy never had a snowballs chance in hell.

    somebody had to do it... oompa

  • poppers

    What's there to repent on Judas' part? After all, he helped fulfill bible prophecy. The whole point of Jesus' life was to die so that he could be resurrected - someone had to betray Jesus. So really, Judas is to be thanked for his deed rather than reviled. This scenario is what The Gospel of Judas is about; it makes sense to me.

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