What kinds of fading techniques have you used?

by ldrnomo 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • fresia

    I think what you did was really Christian, you found time to give of youreselves to the brothers. I will always maintain that family, those in need and friends come before preaching, as the scriptures say what good is a sacrifice (field service) if youre brother is in need.

    I think this is the biggest problem within the org, lack of genuine love, and more concentating on preaching rather than helping our b/s in practical ways. The more we give of ourselves to others the more we give to God, and thats not talking about filling in a report for hours in field sevice, that's just something elders can say how spiritual we are by the hours in field service we report. Genuine love is in loving one another and helping one another.

  • okiesooner1966

    You have a great heart heart, that will take you along ways in your new life, just make sure you leave time for youselves to enjoy what this world has to offer. Fading in my opinon is the best way to go, If i had not done it my son would have never been able to have a relationship with his Grandparents.

  • garybuss

    I might have faded like Mount St. Helens faded as a mountain.

    I'd be a good example to follow if ya wanted to do just about everything wrong.

  • WTWizard

    I moved to the borderline of two congregations, and attended each in an unpredictable pattern. Each would assume I was at the other. In the confusion, I started missing meetings and each side thought I was with the other. Eventually, I totally stopped going and no one is able to figure out that I am not with the other side.

    Well, maybe when the hounder-hounder shows up one of these days, he will force them to collude and hound me together. Or, there was one family that dreamed of having me as "one of them" in that organization, that will try to recapture me and force me back in the Tower "to save my life". I will continue making it extremely difficult for them to get in touch with me about coming back.

    Warning: Anyone who is thinking of recapturing me in the name of "saving my fife" and forcing me to do the work of the Watchtower Society had better be ready for potentially the greatest cancer seed they have ever had. Dragged along in service, I have a way of directing every householder and every call, "Bible" study, and interested one to apostate web sites. I will write a few of them on each crapt and magazine I am supposed to place. That will be a fine way to ensure that the territory will fail to produce in the future.

  • Paralipomenon

    I would suggest not going in field service for a while and make your meeting attendance sporatic. This will put you on the "naughty" list. Since you are still attending meetings they will have no means to disfellowship you. Perhaps a sheparding call or two, but those can be laughed off.

    Then move without telling anyone. After a while, ask for your records to be forwarded to a completely different hall than the territory you are living in. At this point, you are golden. You are a hot potatoe that brings the congregation average down and nobody wants you on their books. They will be desperate to get you off the books. While it is fine to park your cards there, you can continue to have them sent to even more interesting and exotic locations.

  • NewYork44M

    Do the double move. Move from cong #1 to cong#2 in good standing. Start your fade in cong#2. Once the fade is fully entrenched, move to cong#3. Elders are not smart enough to connect the dots.

  • Younglove1999

    We had a very difficult time fading.

    originally it's what we were planning to do since we felt bad that we were having a baby and had just had a baby shower. But every time we missed one meeting we were HOUNDED by all the brothers and if we missed a Saturday in service, guess who would swing by our house to check up on us or call us to see if we wanted to meet the group later on in the morning?

    I couldn't handle the stress of being bombarded at the meeting, so we had no choice but to quit cold turkey. I'm sure to a lot it looked like we were "taking advantage" of them being that they threw us a baby shower and then 6 weeks later we were gone, but I sent out the thank you cards because i did appreciate that and we realized that thank you cards were a way to express appreciation for something and that going to the meetings were not.

    we recently moved towns and our old book study overseer called me (ironically after I posted my story on this site- LOL) and said he heard that we moved. I just replied with "yep". and he asked if we wanted him to send our cards to the new hall in our town and I just told him "no thanks" and got off the phone with him. I think he was shocked with my one worded response since I tend to get overly wordy when I get nervouse or when I'm dealing with confrontation, but for the first time, I wasn't nervous. Nothing is is business. Plus, what the heck is he doing calling MY cell phone and not my husbands?!

    And yeah, we are paying extra to not have any forwarding information listed for us.

  • Gayle

    Moving a time or two. I think how you have done is awesome. Moving worked easily for me since 'work' was a natural issue too.

  • erandir

    I commend you both for your methods. You sound like the kind of friends my wife and I would be drawn to. You're living the love and not trying to impress others with numbers.

    Well...what kind of fading techniques have I used?

    I had employment and financial problems, so when I finally got a good job again, and it was night shift, and I was missing all the meetings during the week because of it, no one could say anything.

    Also, combine that with depression probably due to the employment/financial problems and my growing unease at being a witness, and no one pressed the issue with me when I started missing Sunday, too, and when I became inactive.

    The third facet of my fade involved informing a couple elders during a shepherding call about the questionable ways of a couple of the elders and other brothers, i.e., being "stumbled" and then making it known over the next few months that we are visiting other nearby halls to take a break from our own.

    All three things happened together over the period of 6 months about 2 years ago.

    So far, I've been away from our hall completely for about 1 and a half years. I missed the memorial and 2 consecutive assemblies and the district convention. No elder has said a word, called, stopped by, or anything. I only hear good things from various ones at the hall relayed through my wife, such as "say Hi to your husband and tell him we miss him." She is more than willing to field any questions that any elder may have and has told one in the past not to call, that I don't wish to talk about anything.

    So my fade involved the above three things combined with a wife that plays defense for me. Also, it helps to have the support of others in a similar situation. We have had discussions with two other families who have left our home congregation and shared stories. And then there is JWD, an integral part of a successful fade.

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    Welcome to the board.

    I first stopped dropped out of of ministry school, the stopped commenting at the Watchtower study,

    then the bookstudy. Then I stopped going on Thursday nites, stopped going in service, and now

    attend the bookstudy a couple of times a month. I still go on Sundays and this is beginning to be

    painful. This has been over a four year period. I have only received one shepparding call. I count

    4 to 5 hours a month of bogus field service time which keeps the elders happy. I have not knocked

    on a door in 4 years but I have racked up a decent publisher card record.

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