Sitting at a District Convention hearing about the "generations change" in the mid 90's, my best friend and I looked at each other, and knew our whole family had been duped, yet we could do nothing about it. He quit shortly after, and I never took it seriously after that. I think I was 15 or 16, and every time that I asked about that, I was basically told that we weren't allowed to question "new light". Why I hung around another 10 years? Well I love my family, plain and simple.
by chuckyy 40 Replies latest jw experiences
When I closed my mind off to the programming the WTS gave me and read through Acts. I new the religion was an outright counterfeit of Christianity then. I ended up reading through Acts twice that day. It took on an entire new meaning for me.
This lack of fraternal love among the JWs is so profound I don't know why the average JW doesn't see it and say: "whatever the JW community does without love we are nothing. And we are supposed to be the elite."
The two witness ruling on child molestation.
Despite myself and another 'sister', both making 'accusations of molestation against the same man for very similar offences, we were ignored. All this depsit the fact that at the time he was an elder AND he and his wife were regiestered child minders!
I just KNEW then that this was wrong. I Admit I was like a dog with abone then, and would not let this subject drop... because imo it is sooo wrong. They are sooo wrong.
The death knell sounded for any faith I had right there and then.
Blood issue, Job as fictional poetry and NOT actual infallible truth, my sister getting dfd, coming back from Bethel and finding my whole world gone and nobody really caring about my future, I had to make my own.
aligot ripounsous
I read on the internet about the letter that DOLLINGER, a man in charge of the JW work in Germany, wrote to the nazy authorities in 1935, claiming that a former Bible student, disfellowshipped in 1923, Ewald VORSTEHER, who had had the courage to expose Hitler's crimes, was but a dement, disrespectful to the führer, and that the Bible student Association was not like that at all and had never been in the way of the national socialist fight for Germany. From that day on I was settled in the conviction that the WTS doesn't care for the truth but only for its own interest.
The wt study about marriage. Lenny and I had decided to separate after 32 years of marriage, since he was not returning to the Borg and I was still going. We felt sooner or later he might be df'd and then I couldn't have my friends over and he wanted to make new friends and I wouldn't be able to associate with them. It was a horrible couple of weeks for me thinking about leaving my wonderful husband. We both cried for days. He hadn't done anything wrong except read a few books (Ray's, Diane Wilson's, & was on a website for x-dubs, too.) I was advised by many witnesses some I considered to be very close, to leave him. We run a business together, we had just built a beautiful house together and moved. The wt study had lots of comments from those there that day. Many had awful stories about abuse in their marriages, adultery, and other wrong things. The more I thought about it the more I realized that I shouldn't leave him. We love each other and have never had problems like were mentioned. I was crying so much I went to the ladies room. I came back to the meeting & continued to sob. I knew I wasn't going to be seeing these people anymore. I gathered my belongings and went out the door. A friend followed me out with her child in her arms. I told her I had to leave. She understood. She tried to encourage me to stay the course. I went home and felt so much better. I really think that was the finale study I went to the kh. It was too much. The friend that followed me out of the kh went through a divorce from her alcoholic husband who also left the wt. Wish I could get his number to call him. Lenny and I will have our 35th next May 5th.
Karen in Bluemont (Lenny's wife)
I was in the false until a few years ago. I'd shun my friends at the drop of a hat if they committed "wrongdoing." I spent time on the internet arguing with other Christians, gradually learning more and more about debate and argument and learning all kinds of logical fallacies. When we started studying the Daniel Book in Bookstudy, everything fell apart. I was completely unconvinced. The society interpretation of the book is backed up by literally nothing but circular logic. There were too many instances of "B says that A is not true, but because A is true, B is being misinterpreted, therefore, A is true" throughout the literature.
1975/1976 Our Elders explained how imperfect the GB was by revealing all they knew of the history and chronology of the JWs. Being that our KH was run mostly by former Bethelites and Gilead members I felt they knew their stuff. They always said to test all things, to not just blindly follow and to only obey if there was scriptural proof. After the KH was "re" districted in 1981 we moved to a blind faith KH and proved right every warning they ever gave.
""""Here Brother X have some kool-aid and follow us down this tunnel to this (gas chamber((cough cough)) meet room. Thank goodness you didnt read un-endorsed material, avoided the evil internet, stop reading your bible, and never pursued high education. The time is at hand for the ark door has closed and your glorious reward awaits you. All will be fine now dear brother. Dont forget to inhale deeply when we close the door."""""
When we started studying the Daniel Book in Bookstudy, everything fell apart. I was completely unconvinced. The society interpretation of the book is backed up by literally nothing but circular logic. There were too many instances of "B says that A is not true, but because A is true, B is being misinterpreted, therefore, A is true" throughout the literature.
That was my last book study!!! (Although I didn't know it at the time.) I sat at the front next to the conductor, brought my New Jerusalem Bible, and looked up every scripture in context. At least 1/3 of the time I would elbow my friend and them read the was a stretch and very irritating.