I've done a lot of bad things when I was in High School, I remember one time in 9th grade, my friends and I ditched school, went to the local McDonalds, we were hanging out in the parking lot smoking, when this station wagon pulls up, a bunch of JW's out in service, and my mom is with them! So funny now that I look back but back then I thought well this will be the last time I ever see my friends. OK what are some of your bad little JW stories.
Bad things you did when you were a bad little JW!
by Wordly Andre 11 Replies latest jw friends
We used to.....skip school on a regular basis to go to the beach.
We used to.....skip service on a regular basis to go to the beach.
We used to....drive to the local NFL team. We left the Sunday meeting early, drove 40 miles, drank the whole way down there (I was 16), drank at the stadium until they did not sell it anymore, and drove back. I was given the beer by the "older" guys. My parents wanted me to go, thought associating with other JW teenagers would be a good thing One time, one of the guys I drove with, brandished a gun at the traffic. I was so scared after that, that I stopped going with the gang. This gang included almost every JW teenager in the KH. (A few years later, the gun guy got in a DUI accident and was paralized).
A friend used to ....skip pioneering to go to a hotel room with another pioneer.
Don't let me get started on what happened at the Assembly Hall buildouts....
12th grade, me and my two school buddies drank a bunch of wine at lunch and got plastered, one of them owned a small store, so what do we do? Pick up a bottle of Blue Nun and bring it back to 7th period, and continue to drink in class! Not the brightest idea.
Oh, and was doing fireworks in a field with a brother buddy, and he set it on fire along with many acres of nearby woods. Ran like hell.
ah those were the days...oompa
Burger Time
One of the really bad things I remember was, smoking pot during a hall build and walking around stoned out of my mind. This was when I was 16. Another time me and some friends partied all night, we showed up about 3 hours late for the DC and wreaked of alcohol! I slept during the whole thing and was totally unapologetic!
When I first got married in 72, I smoked cigarettes for about 4 months at work.
We've had 101 views on this thread, and only 5 posts. I think the other 96 people who viewed it are in denial or are prudes. Wish we could see who viewed, but did not post.....
G Money
I met a girl in service and screwed here a week later. hahahaha bet more people want those house calls, probably the only good kind.
I guess the worst I did was steal a car.
A friend and I were out playing tennis until around midnight, and we went back to his house and there were 4 kids TPing their yard. My friend jumped out of the car and grabbed on of them. They were friends of his little sister. We were Seniors, and they were giving us a bunch of flack.
So while my friend is talking to them, I notice that there car is running. I slowly walk to it, hop in, and do a monster burnout down the road. It was a muscle car (Cougar XR7-1968) and I just flogged it for about 20 minutes. When I came back, the kid was really crapping his pants.
Good thing I didn't get picked up, or I would have been in real trouble.
mind my own
I used to sneak out of my house in the middle of the night and meet up with a "worldy" guy at the park. Nothing really happened, we made out a few times but it was a big deal to be sneaking out as I was a definate goody-goody. I was in love with this guy but my conscience wouldn't allow me to go all the way with him.
Well I'll jump in with my own bad little Catholic stuff: 5th grade in Catholic school - every damned schoolday we were required to attend 8AM services for an hour before school. This was torture so of course my friend and I would stall in the back of the church. One day she swiped some cigarettes from her mom. We were trying them out in the bathroom - I got so sick from it I was ready to hurl when we see smoke - she had thrown the cigarette into the trash and it caught fire on the papers, we put it out with water from the sink. No one ever found out it was us and soon there was a big no smoking sign in the bathroom, we thought it was hilarious. I still can't stand cigarette smoke.
It was in So Calif, and the playground was so hot at lunch break that a group of girls would sit on the ground between the teachers cars at the edge of the playground for the shade. One girl showed us how and we let the air out of all the tires. I got blamed for it - bunch of ratfinks! Mrs Flipper