Will the Book Study ever be dropped from the weekly meetings?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    I doubt they would wever drop the Book Study; for no other reason than that it provides with a captive outlet for any inventories of overstocked books they may have one hand. What I also find laughable is their insistence that folks ``dress up" to attend these worthless sessions in peoples' living rooms; haven't thery ever heard of ``upscale casual?"

    I'll also bet my last dollar that few, if any of the GB gerontocrats leave their comfy Brooklyn or Patterson cocoons with any regularity to go slumming in some local dub's house for one of these.

  • sweetface2233

    From what I remember, and this was many moons ago, we were instructed that during "Armegeddon" the bookstudy would quite possibly be the only meeting being conducted. I remember our bookstudy conductor telling us that when the UN turns against the JWs, meeting in the KH wouldn't be an option. They would have to meet in secret groups for "spiritual food".

  • AllTimeJeff
    I remember our bookstudy conductor telling us that when the UN turns against the JWs, meeting in the KH wouldn't be an option.

    Probably because the GB will have rented them out to the UN.....

  • flipper

    When hell freezes over ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper Gawd, I'm so cold, I'm so cold, I'm so cold !

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    One CO put it this way if we feel to tired to go to meetings: "It isn't the meetings that are making you tired, it is the world!"

    HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HAH! HA! HA! OMG AllTimeJeff ... haven't had such a great laugh all day!!!

  • oompa

    I certainly hope not. The BS (gosh what a fit) allows the same 3 people to really hone their commenting skills. Also, brothers who can barely read can spend years improving their abilities in BS groups, so that they then can slaughter the WT reading. Conductors need to arrange little groups into car groups before attempting to organize the MASSIVE crowds gathering for the Sunday Witness work.

    what would we do without it....oompa

  • R.F.

    The Book Study arrangement has to be the absolutely most dreaded things ever.

    I'm not sure about other areas, but here in my congregation the Book Studies are suffering big time. It's not so surprised to have only 3 people show up out of a 15-20 person group. I even heard once that an MS did the B.S. with only he and his wife there......him reading the paragraphs and asking all the questions, and her answering all of them lol.

    It would do alot of good to the R&F to be released from this burden, but as others have noted here, the GB just doesn't have the gall to break tradition and give the R&F a break. Besides, I can't imagine many Borg members replacing the removed meeting with more field service.

    My prediction.....

    .................things will stay the way they are............ for a very long time.

  • freyd

    I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with "book study uniforms." Anybody hoping for any kind of improvement, just forget it and look to all the improvements in the Cathoholic church over the years. They will not give up their power voluntarily. The whole thing has to go down before the Kingdom can be established.

  • stillajwexelder

    Sorry eclipse your avatar is still distracting

  • cultswatter

    BTW what page are the dubs at in the Rev climax book. OH their poor bad addeled brains

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