I will be leaving for Nashville in a couple of hours. I will be attending the Exodus conference on Thu,Fri, and Sat. Tomorrow and Wednesday are sightseeing days. I plan to visit the Loretta Lynn Ranch in Hurricane Mills also.
I will let you all know how the conference went when I get back.
Heading to Nashville
by Junction-Guy 10 Replies latest jw friends
Bon voyage, Junction-Guy. Is it any cooler up there now?
Thanks Sylvia, yes it is a little cooler, Im thankful as my AC is out in my car and I havent gotten around to fixing it yet, the worst heat of summer is over, so Im not too concerned about it now.
Im still packing, but should leave by noon at the latest. -
I'm just going to miss you. I am flying to Nashville to see a friend next week! Hope you enjoy the convention. A friend and I are attending an Athiest conference here in DC in a few weeks. Julia Sweeny is going to be there. I am so looking forward to it.
Thanks Sweetface, and you have a good time too.
Oh Junction-Guy,
Just want to say I read up on the Exodus Conference and I hope you will be edified by attending.
I know edified sounds formal, but I was practically raised by schoolteachers. The kids I grew up with used to tease me about my schoolmarmish speech.
Thanks Snowbird, Yeah edified is an appropriate word, I like it.
By the way, it just started raining here about 20 minutes ago, no wonder it has cooled off. I havent seen the forecast, but I hope it will be sunny and warm in Nashville the next 4 days. -
Thanks Snowbird, Yeah edified is an appropriate word, I like it.
By the way, it just started raining here about 20 minutes ago, no wonder it has cooled off.Would that some of that coolness would come down this way. It's still sizzling here in Lower Alabama But this too shall pass.
I just wish it was sunny right now, hot or cool, I couldnt care less. I just hate rain, it depresses me, but Im not gonna let it get me down.
Hey, Junc
Go to Muade's if Dwayne Blackwell is there tell him Dan Walker says hi.