I was home watching tv, FOX news, when they started reporting. I was glued to the tv for the next week and barely got any rest when I wasn't working. I had the whole week recorded on vhs tapes. I lost them in Katrina, along with everything else.
I had been reading books about the dangers of Islam but never really took any of it very seriously until that day. That day, and the horrors it brought,are forever etched in my mind. All of those innocent people, died for nothing. They were slaughtered for a religion that lusts after blood. Anybody's blood that isn't Islamic and even some Muslims that want to live in peace.
We should neutron bomb the mountain region between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Give them 72 hrs. warning to hand over all Taliban and terrorists. If they don't comply, then bomb them. Period. If Bin Laden resurfaces anywhere, then track him down all through the Islamic world and bomb whoever gives him safe have, out of existence.
We should have done that in the beginning. And warn Iran, Syria and any other Islamic terror states that they are next IF ONE SINGLE AMERICAN IS KILLED ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD BY A MUSLIM. That is the only thing that the Muslim mind understands. If they think that they are winning they believe that allah is for them and backing them. If they lose they think that allah is punishing them. So I say punush them beyond their wildest imaginations.
For 20+ years Muslims have been killing Americans and Jews all over the world with inpunity because states like Iran, Syria and others have sponsored them and given them safe havens. From this day forward no American should die at the hand of a Muslim murderer without severe, immediate and deadly consequences to those states. If it takes eliminating every Muslim off the face of the earth to keep the rest of us safe, then so be it.