"Don't Sing That Song!!!"

by tan 11 Replies latest social entertainment

  • tan

    Were there any "wordly" songs you weren't allowed to sing as a child?

    Two that come to mind:

    Land Down Under by Men at Work -- my mom thought that they were talking about "hell"

    Secret Lovers by Atlantic Starr.

    Does anyone else have any?

  • megsmomma

    Bohemian Rhapsody....The song by Queen.

    I remember it was quite popular around the time the congregation I went to went skating almost every week. We would all have to get off the floor when it came on!

  • eclipse

    Tan, you and WAC must be on the same wavelength!


  • Nosferatu

    There were a couple...

    Abracadabra by Steve Miller Band. Well, a child of my age probably shouldn't have been singing that anyway.

    There was also a song called "Hot Nuts" (don't know the artist). It was on an LP me and my dad found in the trash. The lyrics were pretty raunchy, and definately not appropriate for children like me to sing!

  • oompa

    I thought the BIGGIE was to not play "Another One Bites the Dust" and maybe "Stairway To Heaven" backwards on an LP.

    plus it is damn hard to do.....oompa

  • forsharry

    "Let's Give them Something to Talk About" - Bonnie Raitt

    I got chewed out in the car by my dad for singing along with that song.

    (I was also in All-State Choir in New Jersery during one of the 'lulls' in jehovah witness strict adherence - so as background...I LOVE to sing. I never sang in the car with family in it after that.)

  • ex-nj-jw

    Marvin Gaye (sp) Let's get on!


  • Shawn10538

    Eldorado by ELO
    Fire on High by ELO
    Hotel California
    American Pie (about Babylon the Great and the fall of religion according to the Dubs)

  • SacrificialLoon

    I'll be captain obvious and say "The Star Spangled Banner".

    Also, I remember there were these kids that would wear those demonized WASP, Slayer, and Metallica t-shirts, scary!

    The Christmas songs in chorus.

  • What-A-Coincidence

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