you cannot tell me or anyone that the bible isnt true for every prophesy to date has been in fact true!
if what you say is the truth then your existence is pointless why do you carry on living?
6 million people around the world refuse to take up arms in war against eachother! witnesses do not claim to be the only ones but they make up the vast majority.
it was an example of human compassion and love you are simply a disgruntled person who has not relationship with the true god.
you cannot insult my intelligence by saying that i dont know anything because i havent studied where the bible came from ? i dont need to know where it came from i believe in its prophesy! you find any human that was able to make many many predictions and 100% of them came true?
You are but a mere human who are you to question the authenticity of the bible, just because you hate the watchtower organization does not mean there is any need to question the bible.
you are a human being who uses 10% of your brain capacity and you believe that you have all the answers through your vast amount of study, Most certainly in vain!
Explain to me through your superiority in knowledge and wisdom why prophesy has all come true? everything recorded in the bible true.
who taught you where did you get the books you studied were they from the real god or creator?
edited to remove scrolling ~ Scully