solitary :)
any pagans on board?
by BlackSwan of Memphis 78 Replies latest jw friends
BlackSwan of Memphis
solitary :)
forsharry, good to have ya checking in!
I haven't heard of "fire witches" before, any chance you'd be willing to explain? Or maybe recommend books/websites that would contain good information? I'd also love to hear more about your personal celebrations etc if it's not too much to ask.
Hm, yeah I second that. Never heard the term used and I'm curious to know more about it, if you would be comfortable sharing.
I've investigated a LOT of legends and myths (probably the biggest reason for leaving the BOrg), and the only definative conclusion I can come to is that each person has to believe what they're comfortable with.
Hobo, first nice to meet you! Second this makes a lot of sense. There are so many beliefs and philosophies and different personalities and what makes sense to one will be rubbish to another. <<shrugs>> Makes for a curious, wonderful world!
After leaving the witnesses, I checked out a lot of churches, but I could never reconcile a loving god who could kill so casually. Christianity wasn't for me, but I'd spent most of my life outdoors, so the appreciation and love of all things natural seemed the only way for me to go.
Seems to be a common theme of sorts amongst pagans.
I've read some books, but most of what I feel is instinctive. After the strictly structured JW's, I couldn't bear to HAVE to participate in rituals, but I acknowledge the phases of the moon and the other celebrations (mostly seasonal based).
Interesting. I can appreciate that.
I live in a small northern Alberta town, and everyone who knows me knows my spiritual path- they all know what the pentacle I wear means and tease me about the good luck I enjoy. Personally, I believe it's all karmic- I've paid my dues and now I'm reaping the rewards. And the witches creed makes more sense to me than any Christian platitudes- 'an harm ye none, do what ye will'.
It is a good thing you are able to be so open about it!! I like your choice of words on the matter as well . Most people who know me know that I'm ah, er, um...well....eclectic minded Hey, I'd rather people just know now as opposed to finding out later and think either I was hiding something or ashamed of what I believe. I've kicked my bloomin' arse to have the freedom to believe what I want and I am not going to let go of that.
if not outright pagan, i definitely am a pagan sympathizer...........heehee
Sunnygal, lol, an accomplice perhaps?
BlackSwan of Memphis
Theres a fair bit of information out there to be honest - some great, some ok, and some complete crap but you take what you can and leave the rest which is always a good thing.
G, that's always the problem. Sorting through the crap and figuring what to keep.
The attraction to my path has always been its flexibility, it can be combined with many others such as Wicca, Shamanism, and even dare I say it, Christianity (although I must admit I have my doubts about the latter lol)
Hm, I see your point! It is quite intersting to me, how I've seen various bits of Christianity pop up. I have my own way of seeing things and they have theirs and it makes for a nice melting pot of paganism
How long have you been on the Druid path?
I'm a pagan as well. Though I do disagree about it not being a religion. I do sometimes say Wiccan because it seems to be a bucket non-pagans can understand better than the term pagan. Most christians seem to think pagan means anyone not christian and I want to narrow that down a bit.
Hey Gretchen, I was hoping to see you on here! Yeah, I guess you probably have a point. I suppose I tend to think of each form of paganism it's own religion. But then if I do that, it's not much different then saying Protestant. So..well I suppose I need to rethink that eh?
You know the thing is, the whole term Wiccan or Wicca/Wicce has it's whole sort of battle of sorts. I.e. What makes a Wiccan a Wiccan? Sheesh, I've read SO many different articles or discussions on the matter. Some believe that a Wiccan is only a person who is intitated INTO a Wiccan coven as defined by Gardener or the other forms. Some believe a Wiccan can follow the basic rituals of Wicca and self inititiate into it. Others are Kitchen Witches and are good and comfy with the word.
At this point, I think the average person might very well get confused! Perhaps I sort of gave up, hm.....
Because I am a solitary practitioner of my religion, because it doesn't have prescribed doctrines, because the path is continually growing learning and changing does not make it less a religion. I have a very deep spiritual connection with Mother (my name for the divine). I guess I would call my path somewhere between a Gaia path and a Dianic path if you want to put a label on it, but I'm continually reading and taking what resonates with me and throwing off the rest.
I suppose when I said I think of it as an umbrella term, I was thinking along the lines of that each person's paganism, might vary, but their way of doing things, their structure or ritual IS their religion. a pagan who follows a Germanic Reconstructionism path, I would probably think of their religion as being Germanic Recon. Still, though going back to what I said a second ago, I need to rethink that to some extent.
As I would say a Presbyterian is a Christian.
Hm.....I suppose that in the previous example, the person following the Germanic Recon is a Pagan with Germanic Recon as their denomination
You have given me food for thought Sherry!!
Thanks for this thread, I'm surprised it hasn't been flamed yet, many times I bring up my faith I seem to be ridiculed by certain ones in this forum.
Hmmmm intersting thought. I wonder why indeed. And hey, no problem Like I said I thought it would be good for us to know who the other is.
I haven't heard of "fire witches" before, any chance you'd be willing to explain? Or maybe recommend books/websites that would contain good information? I'd also love to hear more about your personal celebrations etc if it's not too much to ask.
Here's some cool info:
I am a pagan at heart. Always have been.
can there be such a thing as a pagan atheist?
can there be such a thing as a pagan atheist?
I haven't heard of "fire witches" before, any chance you'd be willing to explain? Or maybe recommend books/websites that would contain good information? I'd also love to hear more about your personal celebrations etc if it's not too much to ask.
Here's some cool info:
Thanks nvr! I'll check it out when I get a few at home
a solitary fire witch
I've read Solitary Witch by Silver Ravan Wolf. Does that make me a pagan?
can there be such a thing as a pagan atheist?
A little off topic, but check out this comment with regards to the Kabbalah, IP_SEC:
the Kabbalah couldn’t agree more with scrapping all our ideas and notions about God. As it is written, "there is no aspect anywhere to search or probe; nothing can be known of it, for it is hidden and concealed in the mystery of absolute nothingness." 9 Indeed, in my estimation, Kabbalism is more a religion for heretics and atheists than for those who profess faith in God. As the great Kabbalist philosopher, Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook once said, "There is faith that is actually denial, and there is denial that is actually faith." 10 In other words, according to the Kabbalah, denying the existence of God is the same as having faith in God, so, paradoxically, it is possible that agnostics and atheists are Jewish mystics unaware.
I think humans at the core are all pagans! It's just this god stuff that gets in the way.......for some!