OK so I don't know if this means anything but, I was just over on the Watchtower official web site. ( I like to keep up on the crap they write). Anyhow there is a article titled "Large Families United In God's Service". it talks about all these different families who have 7, 9, up to 11 children and how blessed they have been having all these schildren and wonderful its been to raise them all and see them all get baptized ( very young of course). Now last time I was at a KH maybe eight ,nine years ago if you had one child it was one to many according to some . It was thought by many that waiting till after armagedon was a better thing to do and that it was crazy to want to bring a child into this system of things. Many of the couples that we knew from then have never had children . Sad, Sad, Sad. So now articles are being put out there about how wonderful it can be to raise a large family??? Is the society finally figuring out that all those years of frowning upon young couples having children in this "system of things" is now backfiring on them? They're making themselves go extinct. LOL! So now what they're going to start breeding like rabbits? YIKES!
WTBTS Now hinting at having LARGE families?????
by annalice 35 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah...I can just imagine all those old frigid pioneer sisters dusting off the ole "coochie" now that the WT has decided that having children is acceptable in this ole "system of things".
I've been predicting this would happen for some time now. The only real growth they are having is by children born into the organization. In the late 60s and early 70s having children was discouraged. I was pregnant in 1975...my daughter was born in March '76. I got some really nasty comments..
But now they need more members...and this is the only sure fire way to get them.
It seems like you've hit on something true here.
When I was a JW, you'd never have seen a general article like this. There may have been an odd experience here or there about a "faithful' large family.
Perhaps most of any increase JW's have now comes from lands and cultures that encourage large families. So such a Watchtower article would play well with those folks.
Great-more mouths for government handouts. My firend cannot afford to feed himself, never mind children. But that would be contrary to "the new system " thinking. Isn't that false teaching?
BlackSwan of Memphis
Do you happen to have a link to the article itself?
The last I remember, I would occasionally read things like you describe in the magazines, I can't say though that myself or any of us ever got the impression that they were hinting at having large families. But without reading the article, I wouldn't know what to think.
This is a double-edged sword. Large families promise some more baptisms, but most
JW children grow up to leave the JW's. Huge numbers never get baptized, so they will
have to push for child-baptisms at around 10 or 11 to trap them. A large family gets
more promising that at least one will stay with JW's, but I think they'll over-estimate that
in the computer information age. Perhaps further demonization of the internet will come.The double-edge is the cost of raising large families. A JW father with no college, typically
with a low-wage job has to work overtime and shift work and weekends. They can tell
them to live simple all they want, but times are tough. The U.S. is raising the yearly
salary of what is considered "poor" and fuel and utilities cost a bundle.Let them try. On the back of the double-edge is also the end of telling the dubs that these
are urgent times, "Woe to the pregnant woman." This would be hard to do. But I see them
trying. -
Ok if you want to read the article go to the Watchtower official site ,scroll down to the picture of the old couple and click on "How to Succeed In Marriage" On that aticles first page on the lefthand side is the article you want " Large Families United in Gods Service".
Here's the link: http://www.watchtower.org/library/w/1999/2/15/article_03.htm
Does anyone have an old WT/Awake/KM article on "not having children" in the last days? Need a scan of it (or know where to look).