Maybe they will use elivators...and use thier flying "powers" only in a emergency. That's what Jesus would have done, he didn't walk on water ALL the time. Come on people keep up!
Golden Age = In Paradise we will fly around like Superman!!! Cool!!
by Witness 007 30 Replies latest watchtower bible
And we'll have unbreakable bones too!
Witness 007
Unbreakable bones???? Flying?? The only thing that can hurt a Witness in Paradise will be Krypto-nite!!!
Sheesh! Talk about wild speculation. The editor of The Golden Age magazine was nuts!
Witness 007
Nuts!...I'll show you nuts!
Golden Age june 16 1926 p.583 "God may soon cause a comet to be captured by the bring about a change in the weather, and turn the planet into Paradise, where destruction and death are no more."
Oh crap! I'm falling! Well let me just break down my fingernail into its basic atomic elements and begin fusing the atoms together. But first I need to generate enough energy to compress and heat the atoms enough to overcome the electrostatic force, then contain, and control the reaction, and convert the energy from the nuclear reaction to kenetic energy to slow my fall! Easy as pie. O_o
Homerovah the Almighty
Boy they knew how to sell in those days, maybe even better today, now thats what I call marketing
You would almost think that this religion was a publishing house
Witness 007
I would go back to Pioneering if they promised me I could fly in the New World....but for real though! I love Chrisopher Reeve...the only true Superman.
I sometimes used to wonder whether the New World denizens would need to wear clothes -
After all, Adam & Eve didn't have to until they sinned - and the NW people will be free of sin and wrong desires.
So, why wouldn't paradise earth be one big happy nudist colony?