Bugger - Elder pops around for a visit unexpectantly

by WT=watchtrouble 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher

    Watchtrouble, it sounds like that elder lived up to the Bible's description of a shepherd - "refreshing, live a shadow of a crag in the desert". Or not.

    At least he got some service time in, and you got some kindling for a decent fire.

  • Younglove1999

    Popping in unexpectedly is another pet peeve of mine.

    The first month my husband and I stopped going to meetings, they called AT least 7 times a week (yes once a day or sometimes 3 times in one day trying to get our cell phone, home phone and even work phone).

    I was nearing the final weeks of my pregnancy and they didn't care- they popped by unexpectedly so many times- They couldn't for once think how we could be taking care of a newborn and wouldn't appreciate the unexpected visitors. Nope, they continued to ring our doorbell- we didn't answer for a while because we did not want to talk to them. They knew we were home, but we refused to answer. During one of their annoying phone calls you'd think they could at least say "hey, we're going to be stopping by on Saturday- but nope- never.

    About 3 weeks after my little one was born, I opened the door in my PJ's and wearing the baby in a sling and I simply said, "it would be really nice if going forward you would call before you come over", and closed the door.

    They came by again and called and finally my husband called a few elders and left a very clear message to all that if anyone were to call or visit again that we would NOT be happy.

    they left us alone for a good 4 months- until we started getting some phone calls last week- must be C.O. visit or something.

    My other peeve was why if we were so loved by all the friends why ONLY the "men in suits" would stop by- what happened to all my sister "friends"??

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