They may have an inter-loan arrangement with the English Libraries. I 'll give them a call...
by cabasilas 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They may have an inter-loan arrangement with the English Libraries. I 'll give them a call...
So ... this is 3 years prior to when the colporteurs called on his office with the Millenial Dawn/Studies in the Scriptures volumes. Isn't it amazing how the Society portrays him as a larger-than-life figure in the 1975 yearbook? Oh, what a tangled web we weave...
Thanks, Nathan, for tweaking the picture. If someone finds an actual copy in a library we may be able to improve it even more.
Realizing that Rutherford was born in November of 1869 means this picture is likely of JFR when he was 21 and still a Baptist.
It's hard to believe that it's him he looks too innocent for the later dictatorial and fraudulent alcoholic that ruled with great ruthlessness. But there is that gleam of ambitiousness in his eyes.
Incidentally, the photo above was blown up but the amount of detail was not increased and the jpeg artifacts were amplified by the increased size. The only way to get more detail unfortunately is to scan or reproduce the original published photo. Google seems to scan at a lower resolution than desired for photographic reproduction.
It's a bit difficult to tell, but it looks like Google scan photos in at 16 shades of grey.
I'm sorry if my efforts disappointed someone; I did at least, liberate the portrait from the pdf file it was locked into. For those who prefer the original, here it is in all its glory:
My software reports more than 200 shades of gray in this image, by the way.
Not disappointed at all, and it looks like you helped balance the contrast, which certainly improves it. :) I was just pointing out that improvements beyond this, such as getting more detail than in the picture in the PDF, would only be obtained by getting the original picture scanned better than Google did (that is, blowing up a picture in the real world does not get more detail as it would in CSI). I mentioned that only to encourage those who thought of getting the original to still try to do so.
Getting off the subject a bit Cabasilas had you read a correspondence of a Pathe News photographer that was published in Consolation magazine in either 1940 or 1941? He might had filmed Rutherford of either the Detroit or St.Louis assemblies. I saw it back in the mid 1980's while reading pieces from a Consolation colection in a Atlanta Congregation.