How Do You Get on the Cover of a BOrg Magazine?

by Clam 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Clam
    My favorite pictures are when they try to portray some seedy side of life, like gang activity. The witness models they use end up looking like rejects from the Village People

    Mine too. Good old WTS stereo-typing put out in a totally cheesy way.

    If Jesus turned up at a Kingdom Hall they'd look down their noses at him for wearing sandals and having long hair and a beard. If Hitler turned up they'd like his short hair and smart clothes.


  • Mincan

    I love that! Reject Jesus accept Hitler!

  • JK666

    It is who you know or who you blow.

  • GoingGoingGone

    It's who you know.

    My son was in a magazine once. Before the shoot, our family had to be 'approved' by the elders in the congregation as excellent examples, etc. We were only chosen because the coordinator of the shoot knew our family.

    I know others who have been in books, etc, but they are mostly bethelites.


  • LongHairGal

    You probably have to be a real 'brown nose' to qualify for such a 'privilege'.

    It stands to reason they would use in-house JWs to do these pictures. I guess they could be sued if they used 'real' people for their seedy bum-on-drugs pictures. Can you imagine some sister giving out a magazine to some guy on the street and he recognized a picture of himself??

    On the same topic, I always wondered if certain dubs who know the 'right' people can slip in a little dig at somebody they have a grudge against by influencing somebody to word an article a certain way, etc.


  • 4digitcode

    i knew many people who got onto covers. bethelites, pioneers,etc. actually i knew the blonde sister in the young people video but didn't they openly say that they used to drink and party?? that's how i remember it... anyone here know the brother on the require know the one studying and getting baptized?? oh snap talk of the devil..he just signed on to msn. he was one of my best mates. i miss him a lot. Don't you wish you could get the worthy ones out? i feel sorry for them...

  • shell69

    Be a do gooding, brown nosing, pironeering, ministerial servant /preferably elder, married only once, virgin at mairriage, never smoked, never drank, never swore, always 'legal' (drinving licence, car insurance), house spotless, trousers pressed, garden mowed, car vaccuumed, tea drinking, parent loving, every one loving... (except APOSTATES),


  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Easiest way, and by far the funniest way is to simply request here that your photo be on one of the mags. Whichever one you want too! And with custom captions to boot. There are plenty of folks on here that are quite proficient with photoshop & other requisite tools for pulling off such requests.

  • Nosferatu

    You're all a bunch of liars. The only person who's been in ANY WT literature pictures is Jehovah. All glory must go to him, therefore the WTS does not print the names of the article authors, nor does it print pictures of real people.

  • VanillaMocha73

    Our CO used to have these insecurity jokes: "Insecurity is when Bethel calls and asks for your wife to be the cover model.... for the Babylon the Great series."

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