OUTLAW...very thought provoking indeed...separating Jehovah's Witnesses from the Watchtower Society....the religion from the corporation.
I don't think the religion can survive (as it is today) without the corporation. I can see the corporation existing without the religion. Think about it. They are already laying off Bethelites (at least at headquarters) left and right. They are publishing less and less, and smaller and smaller publications, emphasizing tract work with so-called Special Campaigns...cheap to pull off and keep the R&F occupied with "busy work".
At some point, I could see the Society close its remaining facilities in Brooklyn. (I have heard GB members deny this, but of course they would deny it) Then they can start consolidating Kingdom Halls, starting here in the States. Its all ready happening. It is cheaper to build KHs in Third World countries, and that may continue to build worldwide numbers to offset the falling numbers in America, Japan, Mexico, and Western Europe..where the internet has influenced the way JWs think.
Eventually I could see the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (and its affiliated corporations) close up shop and move offshore as a shell company, existing only to continue with its investments and take care of the boys at the top and their cronies. They may be forced to keep some nursing facilities (infirmiries) open until the old ones die off. Why do you think they are laying off all these 30-50 year olds....so they don't get saddled with their health care costs later on. They can keep bringing in 20 year olds until there is no need anymore. Bring em in at 20, lay em off at 30..the new Bethel Personnel Business Model. When WTBT$ finally close up shop for good, the cronies and the GB move off shore with the money, the 20-30 year olds at Bethel are sent home, and Jehovah's Witnesses (the religion) shrivels up and dies....or at least is no longer recognizable as it is today.
Just my observations. Good thread mountain man.
Snakes ()