Did everyone see this?
by Eliveleth 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
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38 Years
I hadn't seen this before. She did a good job describing growing up as a witness It still amazes me how she is describing the lives of thousands of us. Our childhoods were the exact same way. She actually quit and got shunned by her family. Thousands stayed in because of the fear of shunning.
Thanks for sharing the link!
That is powerful. There are 3 parts to watch. This is, I think, one of the best tesimonies I've ever watched.
wow - part1 was informative and brought back the past....but the part3 video is just extremely heartbreaking...
i can't believe i had that attitude...that because someone wasn't a JW they weren't worthy. what a jerk I was. May God have mercy on my soul.
mind my own
Wow did that resonate with me...it was like I was telling the story. With the exception that I left when I was a bit older but practically the same story! We are not alone, we all have each other! MMO
I watched it the other day when I saw the link on another board. I thought she was so down to earth. I had to fight tears back in a few places as I thought of my own kids being raised this way. I only wish she knew how much love and empathy is being sent her way now.
Thank you for the link. The comments on YouTube gets aggro huh? LOL Good thing some Witnesses actualy seen her testimony. It may make them think. Hoping and praying
Yep I saw this the other day! Thought she represented herself very well, good for her!
I'm so glad I'm not raising my son this way. He is enjoying his school with all the activities it has to offer. What a blessing it is for him not to have to go through the emotional truama of a "spiritual martyr" in school!