Hello all, R.F. stopping in here.
When I was an active Dub I was always looking over my shoulder, making sure I was doing things "correctly"....and by "correctly" I mean by JW standards. I'm referring mainly to when it came to dating and courtship. Someone always seemed to be investigating us, hounding us so to speak. I couldn't do anything without being worried about "what the friends will think". This was especially the case since I was an MS and Pioneer.
I ran in to a "sister" today while running errands. Actually, I was running into Dubs all over the place today. She's one of the biggest gossipers in the congregation and I wouldn't confide in her for ANYTHING unless I wanted everyone to know. So she goes on to ask me about why my relationship ended with my ex...*she got NO info from me*. Then she went on the ask why I haven't been to meetings....*still no info from me*. Then she goes on to say that she really knows the reason why, and it's because my ex is there in the congregation.
Now this is the thing that floored me.......
.......then she went on to tell me that other congregation members thought I was living with a woman.
Ok so i'm completely astounded by this since, for one, it isn't true, second I don't see how anyone could possibly come to that conclusion since i've laid low since I began fading and haven't done anything that could make somebody even think that it was a possibility. This particular "sister" said she's been so concerned about me...yet i've received NO CALLS from her, and she has my phone number at that.
It seems like I hear more rumors about me now than actual concern, and none of it is true. I guess i'm the new hot topic on the continously spinning rumor mill lol! This only really helps me to see that i'm just causing myself alot of unneccessary concern and stress by being so concerned with what they think. It looks like they're making up stories anyway.
I found it funny also that this happened after I ran into an old acquaintence today also. He and I used to work together and he's a very nice guy, and we have the same personality type. It seemed that he really pursued a friendship but unfortunately I pushed him away since, according to the WTS, he's a "bad association". So he and I might hang out sometime this weekend if I don't go out of town. Do I care of Dubs see me hanging out with a "worldly person" now? I defintely don't care now!!!
Thanks everyone! Just wanting to keep you all informed.