Interesting. My brother told me a few days ago that the local hall had about 4 or 5 truck/trailer rigs in the parking lot. I said Concert? He said remodel. This hall is less than 10 yrs old and I thought that the penny pinching WT would not be doing an extensive remodel but I guess from what I'm reading on here that I was wrong. I should have known though, if the WT is involved, it's a scam.
New RBC arrangements/directives
by bud2114 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh My!! This is Worse than the Mafia. I imagine the Congregations are also required to take out loans for these inflated estimates with the WTBS. It's too bad the JWs can't see through this. Even after the loans are paid off the WTBS still owns the Property.
Their standard loans don't make a ton of interest. Could this also be a way to keep
the money "out there" ? Money has got to be moved out so it's not sitting in an account
waiting for a judgement against their assets. With all the congregations owing it to the
organization, it's spread over millions of people's using it, and is not ready to offer in
a settlement. Just a thought. -
I would like to see a section on this site that deals only with this subject just to keep it going. I think that the rbc acting like a gastapo will be the actual downfall of the wts, but that is just my opinion.
So there's 607, the UN, the child abuse. Most JW's will figure a way to gloss those things over. But start touching the tightwads on their wallets and things will change.
That explains what we have been seen around my parts. Around here capable brothers have been pushed aside and the RBC has taken over many of the kingdom hall repairs and projects and the cost is outragious.
Something is going on for sure
Welcome Bud!
This is great news! With this site and others reporting the TRUTH, it is just a matter of time before our former brothers and sisters see the LIGHT. Whatever is spoken in secret shall be shouted from rooftops. The activities of the WTS are being shouted. Elite thieves and liars will soon not have a leg to stand on. Not everybody in the borg is stupid, lulled, or oblivious. Look at all the new ones on this site. Once again, keep it up Crooklyn -- you're scattering the flock. The money is stopping. People want an answer for your arrogance.
Lady Liberty
Dear Bud2114,
Welcome to the forum, and thank you so much for such a informative post! It is all disgusting that is for sure!! We look forward to hearing more from you, and good luck on your family!!
Lady Liberty
knock knock
Pure speculative question here.
I'm of the opinion that ONLY a major financial scandal could possibly get large numbers of dubs to make a quick exit. So let's say real proof of this type of behavior leaks out, WT money games that is. Even goes so far as becoming common knowledge among the flock. If the loyal dubs see they've been financially had and to what extent, will they rise up and burn the WT with fire - so to speak - or will they generally just walk away or worse yet do nothing at all and remain loyal. Can it be that they are THAT dense?
Did "turn the other cheek" in fact mean to let your leaders take your backup wallet as well? -
Loveroftruth said - It's too bad the JWs can't see through this. Even after the loans are paid off the WTBS still owns the Property.
Ya, they get to charge the congo's interest on the money borrowed (even though it was donated to begin with) and when it's paid back the society takes ownership of it (the building). IT IS A SCAM,...A GOOD ONE....if you're a thief.
I think the lawyers will find a way to take it all and vanish and leave the GB holding the bag.