You can look that up in your own WT literature. To be brief, they take the liberty of deciding that wherever the
NT writers quote the OT, and the OT contained 'Jehovah,' then the NT should put 'Jehovah' in the text." "What sources can you site that 'Jehovah' isn't in the NT?"
OnTheWayOut says the above and below, and great post. Just like me talking with my wife, but no crying and yelling. Help her find these "sources!" Here are some cheat-sheets for our wallets. Discovering that we had "our own" Bible did it for me. There are very few places in the literature that come clean on this. Not only is there ZERO evidence that the NAME was ever written in the NT, but to say that it was REMOVED by apostates basically means that God did not care enough about "His Word" or "His Name" to protect/preserve it. So what else in the Bible has been tampered with????
Also the icing on the cake is the total half-truth that Appendix 1-D in the reference Bible says we "have restored the Divine Name where quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures." DOUBLE BULLSH1T!!!!
1. The entire book of Revelation has not a single "quote" of the name Jehovah from the Hebrew Scriptures, but it is in there about a dozen times, and there are dozens of other NT places where it is not quoted----Just look for quotation marks and lack of cross refferences. Bogus
2. Even in many places where there are quotation marks around the sentence with the name Jehovah in it, it is not REALLY a quote if you look up the cross reference. Bogus.
The burden is upon the WTS to give you
sources, and upon you and every Christian to do research perhaps starting with their sources and going wherever
you want to learn more.
The reason I am laughing/crying about the above quote is that I wrote the Society twice BEGGING for their sources, proof, references for what they have done when inserting the Name Jehovah in the NT and all they will say is that they have their reasons, but will NOT supply them. Bogus!!! If they had evidence, they would glady share it.
(Insight bk)*** it-2p.9Jehovah ***
theChristianGreekScriptures. In view of this evidence it seems most unusual to find that the extant manuscript copies of the original text of the Christian Greek Scriptures do not contain the divine name in its full form. The name therefore is also absent from most translations of the so-called New Testament.
it-2pp.9-10Jehovah***The so-called Christians, then, who "replaced the Tetragrammaton by kyrios" in the Septuagint copies, were not the early disciples of Jesus. They were persons of later centuries, when the foretold apostasy was well developed and had corrupted the purity of Christian teachings.—2Th 2:3; 1Ti 4:1.
(Ref. Bible)***
Rbi8p.15641DTheDivineNameintheChristianGreekScriptures***Sometime during the second or third century C.E. the scribes removed the Tetragrammaton from both the Septuagint and the Christian Greek Scriptures and replaced it with Ky´ri·os, "Lord" or The·os´, "God."
did I say bogus yet?....oompa