Easy there hillbilly
I'm not a hillbilly, I'm a redneck.
Not that I expect some dope-smoking, rain soaked hippie to know the difference.
by kerj2leev 13 Replies latest jw friends
Easy there hillbilly
I'm not a hillbilly, I'm a redneck.
Not that I expect some dope-smoking, rain soaked hippie to know the difference.
Such senseless mascot on mascot violence.
Funny, tho.
Not that I expect some dope-smoking, rain soaked hippie to know the difference.
I'm a recovered redneck and now prefer "pot smoking, rain soaked phreak" thanks :P
I shall refrain from calling Wasu fans hillbilly's out of basic respect tho.
Can't expect a fan of another cougar mascot (WSU) to not take offense at this. Once you start punching cougars you'll start punching any cougar. WSU has enough to deal with with those dawgs chasing them all the time.