Bethel was lying about mankinds creation.....The Saviour of Nibiru..

by magdalenefan 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • magdalenefan

    We have a story beyond Genesis.....the real story of creation..the answers why there are so many religions today. Why was God in the Bible so obsessed with Gold?

    Why has mankind always been in some sort of slavery?.......Excerpt from the book...

    " By the time the crisis on NIbiru started affecting the planet, life was well evolved on Earth, but more importantly, the Nibiruans knew that the earth was rich in gold. This is why Alalu set his course for the planet behind the hammered bracelet. They had never managed to travel through the asteroid belt before, and from the tablets we gather that it was a very dangerous affair........he would be seen as the saviour of his planet.....Alalus journey is described so vividly that even 5000 years later, one can visualize the imagery described in the clay tablets..........

    "Riding like an eagle, ALalu the heavens scanned:below, Nibiru was a ball in a voidness hanging...He looked again, Nibiru's great ball turned into a small fruit.. The next time he looked, in the wide dark see Nibiru disappeared."

    And so he travelled rapidly towards Earth, It describes his saddened heart, not knowing what to expect and if he was going to make it alive. It describes his flight past all the planets as he approached and passed them from the outside in, marvelling at their spectacle. It describes how he travelled past Saturn or "Anshar", .. the foremost prince of the heavens..with it bright rings of dazzling color."

    Slave Species of God by Michael Tellinger....

  • Leolaia
  • Awakened07

    Thanks. As soon as I rid myself of the bull I believed before, I immediately sought out new bull I could believe in, and this seems to hit the spot.

    I must confess I'm partial to Truthism as well though, because... well - who wouldn't agree that the Bush family are reptilians? And that there's people living inside the Earth, with guarded portals at the poles. I feel so free now that I've learned the Truth.

    But this sounds promising as well.

  • magdalenefan

    Yeah, you are right, I cannot believe that there may be other life out there.

    I mean, MAN,, WE ARE SPECIAL... SO SPECIAL PEOPLE that in the begining of NOTHING, these GIANT HANDS attached to a GIANT BODY NAMED JEHOVAH , WHo created EVERY UNIVERSE out there all the Billions of STARS. HE reaches down with his GIANT hands and makes this MAN out of MUD!!!!! MUD can you believe it,,,, Wow those must have been some magical hands.....

    I was in pottery class, and I didnt know how to make a living human being. I blew on my lump of clay and nothing happened,.......


  • greendawn

    These are not healthy teachings, you are making too many posts that are akin to Alice in wonderland stories.

  • magdalenefan

    These are not healthy teachings Greendawn...."Mankind needed a saviour and he never married, He is the Son of the Father God Jehovah who loves Gold. Mary the Mother got pregnant from the Holy Spirit, not her husband."

    Those are not healthy teachings.....

    We evolved from monkeys over thousands of years, and it where did it get us? Slavery, poverty, war and crime and 70 years if we get to live out our life... then we float to heaven in spirit...

    These are not healthy teachings......

    Please look at pictures of Hiroshima victims, at deformed babies....Look what is going on right now in Darfur.

    We humans are not a healthy species...

  • nvrgnbk

    Some will mock you.

    Some will ignore you.

    Some will embrace you.

    At minimum, I think it's fascinating.

    Thank you for posting this, magdalenefan.

    As long as you're not asking for money, you don't mind if I get an education, and you don't make intrusive inquiries about my personal life, I see no harm in hearing you out and entertaining your ideas.

  • IP_SEC
    Yeah, you are right, I cannot believe that there may be other life out there.

    No one is saying that magd. Thats not the point. If you do a little digging, ZitChin is very, very full of many errors that he will not answer to.

    Big claims call for Big proofs huh?

  • IP_SEC
    and you don't make intrusive inquiries about my personal life,

    nvr, how long have you been gay?alt

  • nvrgnbk
    nvr, how long have you been gay?alt

    IP_SEC, Sweetheart, you of all people should know !

    You were the teacher and I was the student.

    You taught me things I never thought possible.

    I will forever be grateful to you.


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