their ignorant adoption of 7000 is based their false assumption that 6000 of human history plus 1000 year reign makes 7000 for the 7th day of creation...which ASSumes that God knew Adam was going to fail before the 7th day began--which the society maintains God did not know ahead of time...if God intended humans to live forever, he would not have made each creative day so short.
Millions of years vs. Thousands according to the Society
by Cindi_67 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
their ignorant adoption of 7000 is based their false assumption that 6000 of human history plus 1000 year reign makes 7000 for the 7th day of creation...which ASSumes that God knew Adam was going to fail before the 7th day began--which the society maintains God did not know ahead of time...if God intended humans to live forever, he would not have made each creative day so short.
I don't think that's the case. I think God just keeps a weekly pattern of time. After Adam and Eve sinned he decided to allow for man and Satan to try out their rule over time for 6000 years, God reserving 1000 years for Christ's rule as contrast. This would not have been in anticipation for Adam and Eve sinning. The basis for the 7000 years is Biblical. One reference being that a day to Jehovah is 1000 years and the over in Hebrews where Paul speaks of a second rest day within the Creative Rest day. That rest day presumed to be the sabbath 1000 year rule of Christ, it would make the creative days 7000 years long each. Of note, the jubilees occur every 7 years with a special 50th jubilee year. With seven days of 7K each, the millennium will be the 49th year sabbath followed by the jubilee, the first 1000-year long day of the Second Creative Week and the beginning of the 8th Creative Day. Perhaps the first brand new creation God will make will be transforming the 1,440,000 (144K are 10% natural Jews, the root of the entire anointed olive tree)(Isa. 6:13). Revelation does mention after Judgment Day is over that God is "making all things new." Thus Satan will have been destroyed and all humans approved for everlasting life going into the new Creative Week. Of note, JW chronology for various reasons is 127 years off from the true original timeline, being 127 years too early, which made the 1975 date for 6000 years of man's existence also 127 years too early. Considering all adjustments as discussed here elsewhere, 2011 would be the "equivalent" date, with some flexibility that would reflect what 1975 was about, that is, when the kingdom might be expected to be in place. That doesn't leave us much time, but then again, the one-world government the Bible prophesied about is clearly in place, the UN is stronger than ever and I think it's conceivable that the US will have a political meltdown over the issues it is struggling over and all the information coming in constantly about "Illuminati" interference in world affairs, etc. So exciting times!! I'm sure one reason why JWs won't correct their 6000-year theory to a better chronology is because the 1914 dating will also have to be scratched for the most part. They probably figure that would be so devastating to so many its not worth telling the truth, so true to form of the evil slave that they are, they keep up the lies. This new push of focus to getting true understanding through God's organization proves it is feeling the pressure of thinking witnesses and perhaps the net exposures of so many speaking out, so they are becoming more controlling as a cult than ever. JC
What about BOTH being true? The Bible AND science? Can't we have it both ways? Why throw away logical and empirical reasoning when it comes to faith? Why throw away faith when studying science? Phil
Why throw away logical and empirical reasoning when it comes to faith? Why throw away faith when studying science?
I'm sorry Phillipus but you really cannot have it both ways. Faith and Science are irreconcileable. If science confirms an item of faith as being true then it becomes a scientific fact (or theory in the true sense of the word). Faith cannot confirm anything, that's why it's called faith.
Do not confuse faith with the admiral attitude of doubt. Faith is a very bad thing, even the bible says that faith allows you to "believe all things". Well I'm sorry, but some things are simply unbelievable.
Now I'm off to walk on water before I feed my hungry family of five to satisfaction on a single chicken McNugget and a french fry. Do you believe me?
@nicolaou Invoke the Holy Spirit, bro, maybe he will help you and you will finally succeed? Phil
based on the concept that the millennium, the 1000-year reign of Christ would fulfill the Great Sabbath within the last Creative Day.
their ignorant adoption of 7000 is based their false assumption that 6000 of human history plus 1000 year reign makes 7000 for the 7th day of creation
I was just wondering about this. Is there any intelligent reasoning behind why the 7th day is 7000 years, or was it simply because JWs want to believe we live at the exact moment in time when Jesus starts ruling? If so, if we were living 1000 years ago would it be just as convenient to say the creative days are 6000 years long?
Do other religions say the last day is 7000 years?
The basis for the 7000 years is Biblical. One reference being that a day to Jehovah is 1000 years and the over in Hebrews where Paul speaks of a second rest day within the Creative Rest day. That rest day presumed to be the sabbath 1000 year rule of Christ, it would make the creative days 7000 years long each.
I have to say WTF? to that. You don't give enough support from any portion of the Bible to say that.
I was just wondering about this. Is there any intelligent reasoning behind why the 7th day is 7000 years, or was it simply because JWs want to believe we live at the exact moment in time when Jesus starts ruling?
I have to side with JWFacts on this. But for the sake of argument, I will present my opposing belief.
Either the 7000 years is not Biblical (not much to support it) or everybody's crazy theories can be claimed
to be Biblical because there are enough numbers, dates, calculations, symbologies, parallels, etc. to go
around. I can use the Bible to show that the end will come in the future or that it should have come in the
past at virtually any time, depending on the scriptures I use.