Lol Hubby's gonna get drunk as a skunk...

by dobbie 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigwilly

    32 pints!?

    I feel like such a lightweight!

    nvr, ya gotta remember that the Brit's version of beer is about 3% abv. Gimme a few solid hours and I could definitely rock the 32 pints (of Guiness or similar)

  • WT=watchtrouble

    Can I come

  • DannyHaszard

    I have no moral issue here but watch out for acute alcohol toxicity ( aspirating drowing in your own vomit) and other dangers from getting totaled I know cause I been there

    Cheers,Danny Haszard

  • dobbie

    'Can i come' Lol WT of course you can!If you think you can get here by 8am tomorrow morning!

    Danny that's up to them if they want to drown themselves with drink!I'm not going, can't drink at the moment though hubby has bought me some pear cider so i don't feel too left out lol

  • anewme

    Actually I drank more as a witnut. Im a tea totaller now and think people should curtail their drinking for their health's sake, their family's sake and for the safety of other drivers.

    But what are you gonna do if someone in your family drinks to get drunk?

    I would somehow inform them that no way am I going to be financially or otherwise responsible for any problems that come from their folly.

    Getting drunk and living a long happy life do not mix and never will.

    Deal with reality or reality will deal with you....harshly.

    I cant believe this former party girl is saying all this. Huh, I have come a long way!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    32 pints? wow!

    Trev likes Real Ale, it's virtually all he drinks, but I doubt that his consumption amounts to 32 pints per month. He's only ever come home slightly merry once while we've been together, after he'd been on a pub crawl for his best friend's birthday.

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