Anthony Mundine Comments

by drahcir yarrum 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum


    You say that there are Muslims who do not sympathize with Bin Laden and other Arab terrorists. Can you give me an example please? It seems as if whenever they condemn the acts of September 11, they follow it up with some caveat that attempts to shift the blame to the United States. Until I see some evidence to the contrary, I'm going to err on the side of NOT trusting anyone Islamic.

  • JanH

    Well, Richard, I wish you were totally wrong, but you aren't. Bin Laden is an extremist, and relatively few muslems would support him whole heartedly. But it remains a fact that a very, very large number of Muslems worldwide, even converts in the West, thought the actions on Sept 11 were a well-deserved lesson for the Americans. I have seen the same sort of comments from certain leftists, even here in Norway, which has been one of the closest allies of the US after WWII.

    Islam is an extremely legalistic religion. It has no separation of church and state (even though most Islamic states have had this separation for practical reasons). It does set the group over the individual. ExJWs will mostly see big warning flags here. Islam is also a religion with a very violent past (which is not unique of course), and it's not hard to find justification for all sorts of violent atrocities in its holy writings.

    Naturally, you can find all sorts of people among the world's around one billion Muslems. Generalizations will have a low precision. That said, Islam has been demonmstrated to be an abusive and oppressive religion, and today it's a relic from the Dark Ages that liberal Muslems will have a hard time renewing.

    Some recent online articles I recommend for some background:

    Salon's interview with Karen Armstrong on

    Slate magazine's "Islam: A Peaceful Religion?", on

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum


    I wish I were wrong on this as well. But the prospects of democratic, capitalistic governments coexisting in peace with Islamic nations (theocracies) does not look very promising. However, there are those who believe we should be accomodating with them at any cost in order to avoid deadly conflict. They are certainly entitled to their opinion, and I would NEVER suggest that they must leave the forum. But that's just me. Obviously SixofNine believes only rightminded people like he/she are welcome here.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum


    Did you want to make an intellectual point regarding the words of Anthony Mundine or did you simply want to take an opportunity to rag on me for using the expression "FUCK OFF". Do these words offend you? Or do people who take a position against Islam offend you? The point of my orignal post wasn't my opinion of Muslims. It was the typical fence walking of Muslims like Mr. Mundine, when it comes to the September 11 attacks. They verbally reject the action, but sympathize with the motives behind the action.

    What I really would like to know is, when was the last time you had a strong opinion on anything? Or are you typical of so many online who just like to snipe at the posts of others. I suspect the latter.

  • Patriot

    First of all dickhaed I have been around the block a few times more than you.

    If you ever read any of my answers you will see that I have never "ragged" on anyone's posts.

    But since you asked, I shall answer: NO I don't get offended at your comments or your opinions regarding other religions.
    I don't offend easily. I simply make observations.

    You see people with your temper get others killed. Thats a fact of life. If you can't see that, hey thats your problem.

    I survived countless encounters with actual armed enemy troops in foreign lands and now patrolling my "sector" as part of the NYPD.

    From what I can gather you'd go to peices in an actual confrontation, thats why people like you lash out when others make observations like ours.

    Too sound smart..but I still wouldn't want you on point..

    Don't bother answering I really don't like debates.


  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum


    Obviously, they couldn't get you in at the clinic this week. You need to get back on the medicaton.

    You're correct, I don't know you and wouldn't want to know you. You sound like a royal asshole to me. I hope they only allow you to carry a flashlight and not a gun.

    BTW, whether or not I tell other people or the Ayatollah himself to FUCK OFF isn't going to result in anyones death. People have already died in NY and DC from the actions of lunatic Islamic animals. I can't believe you missed that point. Not true, I can believe it.

  • SixofNine
    I thought someone like you would agree with Mr. Mundine.

    Ah, dickie. Go see if you can find anything I have said that would indicate I agree with Mr. Mundine. When you don't find anything, come back and apologize for having your attitude on my planet in the year 2001.

    When it comes down to it, I was right about you, wasn't I? I mean about the F'n racist pig thing?

  • Patriot

    "Obviously, they couldn't get you in at the clinic this week. You need to get back on the medicaton. "

    Now I know for sure you must be between 16 and 25 years of age.

    Hardly worth our time.

    "You sound like a royal asshole to me. I hope they only allow you to carry a flashlight and not a gun."

    Sorry I don't do request: I carry a 9mm smith and wesson. Off duty a walther p99 nine mm.

    "I can't believe you missed that point. Not true, I can believe it."

    Good boy son, the faster you realize that not everyone is going to hold you hand in life, the faster you can grow up. Now go finish your's a school night.


  • deceit

    Dont take any notice of what Anthony says, he's and idiot with a big mouth, no one takes any notice of what he says seriously. He also tries to stir the big pot here regarding aboriginal issues, so it is no suprise he blurted these stupid comments out (which he has officially withdrawn last night).

    Pretty damn good boxer though ;)

  • unclebruce

    Right on Deceit!

    LOL. mr.mundine is a typical Bankstown boy .. he'd beat the shit outta mike tyson, bite both his ears off and give him a backward sommersault to the head for good measure but like most western sydney leb/lads you wouldn't seek their opinions if yer life depended on it.

    unclebruce, laughing at the thought of someone taking the rantings of anthony mundine seriously.

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