In my mind and heart I see a complete contrast between religion and one who truly has decided to follow Jesus and all his teachings. He was gentle, sensitive and loving. He communicated with people in a way that was never confrontational except for the self righteous religious people.
My faith is manifest in my life as caring and loving as many people as I can. When ASKED why I will tell them because I follow Jesus and this is what Jesus would have done.
The problem today is people are followers. If they follow a Christian leader, televangelist, pastor or anyone and anything other than the simple beauty of Jesus they may act in ways that are rude, even hateful. That is so sad.
We have a mega church in my town that does not have 1 charity. The food ministry is provided by a dedicated older man who is going blind and his dedicated wife. they feed the drug addicts, the alcoholics, the homeless, the mentally ill and their children when no one else gives a dam abouth them. His facility is too small and very old. He has a crew of sweet poor followers of Jesus helping him cook and distribute food all week.
It's about who they are following. In the mega church the beautiful people have peppy music and nice cars in the parking lot. They have plush cushiony seats, they follow the clean charismatic humorous pastor. The food ministry has old wobbly plastic chair and a beat up old man leading it. It is human nature to not want to be out of your comfort zone.
In other words; the man leading the food ministry does not have time to bother people on the telephone, he is too busy going about his way. The megachurch people have the idea that you should be like them. They mean well but are a little misguided.