The significance of this image...

by Awakened07 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AlphaOmega

    I understand your reasoning.

    I am just astounded by the beauty of this image... a larger version of it has now become my desktop wallpaper...

    But each time I look at it, I wonder if there were people living in those galaxies. Almost like looking out of the galactic window and seeing a car crash in slow motion... very slow motion.

  • ninja

    that galaxy looks like a guys tackle

  • AlphaOmega
    that galaxy looks like a guys tackle

    Which guy ? How do you know ?

    Edited to add... I see what you mean !
  • Awakened07

    Can I ask if JW's believe that God's original creation was perfect solely on the the Genesis account or do they use other Scriptures too?

    There are some scriptures that can be seen to imply that, yes:

    Deu. 32:4 "His work is perfect, all His ways are just"

    Ps. 19:7 - "The Law of the Lord is perfect"

    Matt. 5:48 - "you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect"

    Some of them seem to point more to his personality and laws, perhaps, but I see no reason why it wouldn't also apply to his works (as Deu. 32:4 does indeed state).

    -There's also the thought that Jesus was the "second Adam", and that the reason Jesus could atone for our sins, was that He was perfect just as Adam had been, and that Jesus was the only one who could offer a worthy ransom because all other humans were imperfect. Granted; to JWs, Jesus is not God, but even so it would be weird if Jesus was perfect and not God.

  • bebu

    I'd say that picture is perfectly gorgeous! Wow!!

    I agree with emo concerning assumptions with definitions. Creation was called "good", which is a moral evaluation. A universe with colliding galaxies is not necessarily 'morally evil' any more so than the moon causing tides imo.


  • sweetstuff

    Beautiful pic! Does anyone else see what looks like a shark's head in the upper right hand side of the galaxy and a dolphin's head in the bottom left hand of the pic? I only noticed because of Ninja's comment, lol. And no I am not smoking the ganja.

  • FlipThis

    here's what I see....


    Breathtaking ! Are the colors real ?

  • What-A-Coincidence


  • Twitch

    Cool pic.

    My first thought was 2001: A Space Odyssey and the space fetus,.....lmao

    I read somewhere, perhaps it was Cosmos, that when galaxies "collide", nothing in them actually collides but the gravitational forces are what cause the interactions because the stars and matter in them are so far apart. Kinda like the fact that the particles in the atoms of my keyboard don't actually touch but the electrical and magnetic forces between define the substance. Not really familiar with the intricacies of a Grand Unified Theory or such stuff but it tickles me brain.

    Love the Hubble,...itz kewl.

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