I have been reading on the internet about the angry woman Rosie O'Donnell. I think it is so sad how this woman once had the world convinced she was a sweet woman who cared and loved everyone. Only to learn over time that she is an angry bitter woman who is willing strike out without care of any one's feelings, when ever she feels fit to do so. It appears she is one of those personalities who is so over powering to the weak, that when she does become her ugly extreme self, they support her for fear that she might turn that bitterness on them. It is sick if you ask me, that this woman is getting the attention she wants and even her own show again. I think this time around, the ratings will not be what they used to be. As people are just so sick of her angry banter over and over on the air ways. How do you fill about Rosie?
Rosie the rage!
by free2beme 20 Replies latest jw friends
i would never "feel about" rosie. hahahahaha
I dont watch tv so I miss out on all the dramma. I do recoginize her from print media. I get her confused with Rossanne Bar, which one is fatter?
I can't believe you'd feel intimidated by a big fat lesbian ... Now that's funny
yeah, that is scary.
And she is famous because.............................?
well, if you see her early stand-up, she was really funny. now, she's just bitter.
I must have missd it, did you Tivo any of them?
it was way back in the day. way before tivo. i'm talking late eighties, early nineties. i'll try to find ya some. if you put that dress back on and come in my room. hahahahahahaahah there ya go brent. haaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha
OK, so Rosie's got a bone to pick with Bush. How many people did Rosie kill? You may hate her, but she did make a point, that was never answered.
Elizabeth is much better looking, but I am not that shallow. Picking on the Donald was dumb, but just what did Elizabeth do for anyone but herself? Please , no harassing phone calls!!!