Can you tell us where in ontario this took place?
This took place in Owen Sound, Ontario, a fairly small community where word about sickness like this gets around and shocks the neighbours. I do not know when it occurred or any more details, but maybe a web search would bring those up, if you are interested.
As far as threatening the victims go, do you consider telling a child that they are lying, and if they continue with their story, that they will be shunned by their entire Witness community, a threat? For a child, that is a devastating prospect that rocks their very security. Do you consider telling the child's parents that if they speak out against this in the congregation or go to the police then they will be guilty of slander and disfellowshipped, to be a threat? I would see this as a spiritual threat--after all, if you are kicked off the "ark" and Armaggedon comes (cuz ya know the end is so near, doncha?), then things don't look very good for you now, do they? In my mind, it equals emotional and spiritual blackmail.
I mention the above behaviours because they have been typical responses in the past to a child's story of molestation (again, see silentlambs website). The organization speaks out of 2 sides of their mouth on this one, as their articles say children don't lie about molestation since it is outside of their comprehension and so utterly repulsive to them. The attitude of the elders has been a total contradiction of this fact.
Do I love Witnesses as people? Yes and I pray for many to have their eyes opened to the fact that they have been deceived by wolves and false teachers. Do I condone their cover-up of pedophilia to protect the image of their organization as a spiritual paradise and the True Religion? Absolutely not!