They have a real fixation with armageddon everytime something a little out of the ordinary happens they get astonished and are so convinced that the end is near. They forget it has been near for decades now and there have already been numerous false alarms.
JWs all excited Big A just around Corner- Earthquakes-Indonesia
by stillajwexelder 26 Replies latest social current
It's always something. OMG... no that's not right... OMJ! Communism is falling, the end of the world is coming! OMJ! The UN proclaimed this the international year of peace! OMJ! US is deploying troops to the middle east! Armageddon for sure! OMJ! Earthquakes at a major plate boundry! Lions, and tigers, and baloney, oh my!
I'm not sure what the popular metaphor was at the time I was still going. I got one "It's so close it's like Jehovah's got a turtle head poking out, and is ready to take a big dump on the Earth." -
-Think of how close it was in the fall of 1945; huge world war was over, millions dead, the two first (and so far only) nuclear weapons deployed on live targets. Wow - that's what I call close to Armageddon! Since then, it's been a little so-so close in comparison.
Homerovah the Almighty
Jws are delusional idiots or more politely said uneducated drones, the fact that great earthquakes have been taking place on earth for millions of years
they are two tectonic plates that are banging into one another, these quakes have caused some of the greatest mountain ranges on this planet such as the Rockies or Himalayas
and so on. I find it somewhat amusing in a way that back 3 thousand years ago when there was no science or knowledge around, whenever a earthquake happened or lighting appeared
these were all considered god's expressive anger. Here we are in 2007 and there are people that still consider that very same thing.......the folly of human imagination is live and well is it
not ?
Homerovah the Almighty
Oh yes just to further my previous comment, on all those supposed signs of the times of the last days such as earthquakes, famine, wars and rumor of wars, lawlessness,
and all the rest of them, they were all happening in biblical times when that was written and sometimes worst then today, whoever quoted that statement was blowing smoke through his hat in
a attempt to draw attention to himself.
It's a common mistake that religionists like the JWS forget to take in to account or perhaps they've never study ancient history enough.
G Money
To many I say oh yes! We are living in the last days just like Jesus. Ummm.... yes, just like Jesus. Perhaps in another 2,000 years something might actually happen!
Ah, yes. Har-mageddon. Bring it on, baby.
Nathan Natas
Brothers and Sisters, in years gone by, some of Jehovah's servants made premature verbal ejaculations based on faulty expectations and mistaken speculations about the nearness of His Great Day of Presentation, due either to imperfect understanding or zealous emotionalism. And although we are not claiming to be any less imperfect than the bungling spirit directed morons who preceded us, we can see how world events are moving toward the establishment of the global Paradise for which men of faith have prayed for 50 generations.
The environment of planet Earth is changing, and changing FAST. How does Global Warming fit in with the Divine Plan? We explain: Global Warming is the mechanism Jehovah will use to re-establish on Earth the conditions that existed prior to the Great Flood of Noah's day. The Earth is warming up in preparation for the Paradise that we have been promised.
Brother Al Gore will now lead us in song number 66, "Little Red Corvette."
"It's so close it's like Jehovah's got a turtle head poking out, and is ready to take a big dump on the Earth."
great earthquakes have been taking place on earth for millions of years they are two platonic plates that are banging into one another, these quakes have caused some
Did you mean TECTONIC?