Body Modification...

by bbdodger 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyd0099


    I know I never stood out in the congos at least outwardly. There were always the flashy bros, the study bros the gymbros, the money bros, I was practically invisble in my suit and tie.

    Inside I was a indie rocker, a goth, and a touch of the glam rocker too. I took my time to decide on the first tat, in fact I didn't know it was going to be on my body at first. That's the one caution I would give to anybody getting their first ink. Don't do it to rebel, do it because it has meaning. My boss has a joker playing card on his shoulder that he just hates...

    "cyd" of the "Next week I buy a second utilikilt" class

  • RichieRich

    I have just over 90 hours worth of tattoo work, and have 1 3/8ths lobes and 8mm holes in my cartilage, a 0g septum a few other visible piercings.

    I was interested in body modification before I left the JWs, but I think what big Willy said hits the nail on the head.

    I was never an assimilated member of society beforehand, so why should I be now? I never minded standing out, I just did it for the wrong reasons.

    if you've got a myspace, you should add me - . Send me a message so I know it's you.

  • bbdodger

    I've always been outwardly different, even when I was a little kid, I had a very unique (read; goofy) style. I wore a purple beret everyday in the 3rd grade, and got in trouble because I refused to take it off in Gym. :O

    But, more so, I've always felt different on the inside too. Not only among JWs did I feel I had little in common with, but everyone else too. It wasn't until I found out in my teens that there were people who I had a lot in common with (politics weren't a determining factor at the time), and it happened to be the people who were different on the outside.

    Nowadays, it's so common to see "punk" looking people, it really means nothing to me anymore. I suppose they just assume I'm on the fashion bandwagon, but the truth is that I've paved the way for a lot of these kids, got made fun of, made my own clothing, never once thinking that it would be so readily available in the future. F--- you, Hot Topic!

    What is popular now is what I got thrown into lockers for fifteen years ago. I wonder what happens fifteen years from now?

  • bigwilly

    Cyd wrote:

    "cyd" of the "Next week I buy a second utilikilt" class

    Nice!!!! I just got my second, went with the red courduroy. I'll have to get a pic and post it, mebbe a UK'er thread?

  • sweetface2233

    I have 2 tattoos and 3 body piercings. At first, I did them as rebellion to "Jehovah", whoever the hell that is supposed to be and my ex-husband. He said I couldn't get a tattoo. Yeah well, after he saw my naked ass w/ the pretty flower, he made sure I knew how sexy he thought it was.

  • bigwilly


    A) You remind me alot of my friend puck (she's here as well), tho she wasn't really punk or goth back in the day, just her own artistic statement. It seems to me that those who stand out as especially unique when they are dubs turn out to be some of the most colorful and interesting people when they leave. You strike me as one of these people, so I'm insanely curious.

    B) I understand what you mean regarding "punk". While I never had the "punk look", I love the music and, in a way, am more punk than the new generation as I don't dress in the uniform. The new "punk" to me is Backstreet Boys *gag* with mohawks, where's the anger, social and political commentary that the genre was built upon?

    C) As far as doing the look first, I can empathise a little. Shortly after leaving the dubs and moving to Oregon, I developed my now known bald head + goatee look. I shaved my head because my hair was getting in the way and the goatee because I was too lazy to shave. 5 years later, the "Anton Levey look" became super popular and acceptable, so I upgauged my rings :D

  • bbdodger
    The new "punk" to me is Backstreet Boys *gag* with Mohawks, where's the anger, social and political commentary that the genre was built upon?

    A great example of that would be "Lincoln Park". I know, I'm spelling it right ;)

    I know they're not considered "punk", but they are definitely the N*Sync of Nu-Metal.

    I really hate most new punk, pop punk, it's all so over produced, and slick. I don't agree with all of the politics, but I do agree with the old way, you know, being free without the government! That's another thing that new punk fails to recognize, it seems most of them think that the government should take care of us. Remember GBH? Subhumans? Cradle to grave. But then bands like Green Day and NOFX (whom are the biggest retards EVER) tell all the 15 year olds to vote Democrat. Nevermind, don't wanna start in on that.

    I think I have more anger and social commentary than most of those a-holes!

    I guess I am not in the category of "punk", it's a silly category (as all categories are silly). I am into indie music of all kinds. I love art and music and that's what inspires me. That's where I'm coming from.

  • Abaddon

    Oh lord, for a country that with the UK started punk, for decades now American 'punk' has been nothing of the sort.

    I lived a mile away from the Kings Road in Chelsea in 1977 and waited for my bus to school outside BOY, so although never 'A' punk I saw it happen (in my 'hood, LOL).

    Nowadays punk is clean antiseptic overproduced establishment image obsessed product - rebellion-lite for disaffected teenagers who don't grok that rebellion by numbers is not, by any sane definition rebellion, but who are looking for a genre of music that is 'edgy' (tear of laughter at idea of Green Day or their ilk being 'edgy') and that is loud and different enough to piss their parents off and appear cool to their friends and make them feel like they're different and can laugh at people who like boy bands.

    Dutch punks are equally clueless. Cleanest punks I've ever friggin' seen. I think their mums iron their outfits. I was hanging round a train station here years back before I lived here; I had to wait two h;ours for the first train after getting dropped off by a coach. I met three Dutch punks. I had a guitar. We had a jam. They asked me not to sing too loudly so as not to annoy others (nothing to do with my singing honest ;-).

    Having said that I quite like some Green Day/RATM etc. songs. But then I like some U2 songs even if I think they're a bunch of twats.

    One day the call centre I work for will have 'Killing in the Name Of' or 'Bombtrack' as its hold music. Now that would be 'punk' LOL.

  • bbdodger

    I think that bands like MC5, The Ramones, The Stooges, even New York Dolls are American bands that really were the pioneers of Punk music. Weren't the Sex Pistols, after all, the British "answer" to the Ramones. I mean, it's possible (and probable) that there was an underground scene of punk in England well before the Sex Pistols.
    There were bands like The Exploited (more political), Crass, (political), GBH, Subhumans, etc. They were against Thatcher, while their American counterparts were against Reagan (such as DK).
    Then of course there was the 80s hardcore movement, which had little or nothing to do with the British punk scene. That's my favorite era of punk. Minor Threat, Black Flag, Bad Brains, Husker Du (early), Negative Approach. I love OLD pop punk like Descendents, Bad Religion, All, Dag Nasty, Operation Ivy (which has the best lyrics of any punk band, ever). I also love Rancid, which is getting more toward the new, but their attitude and style is so unique, and really pulls from a lot of different genres.

    I also like the pre-post-punk like Television (so awesome), and the post-pre-post-punk like Mission of Burma, and the post-post-punk like Fugazi.

    Johnny Rotten got into the post-punk scene, he had PiL, and of course there was Joy Division, who turned into New Order (after Ian Curtis died), and that was loved and appreciated by Europeans and Americans alike. There were bands that transcended all sorts of subcategories, stuff that everyone could relate to. That really was the New Wave of the underground... but I also love New Wave!

    Clean and crispy, brand new "punk" rockers. Yeah, I agree, it's so fake. It's a fashion trend. There is a difference between people who look the part, and people who take the part seriously. What the hell is Blink 182, or My Chemical Romance or Davy Havoc (yeah, what IS that?) anyway!??! It's so silly it makes me cringe, but then I just have to laugh.

    I'm one who takes paying my bills seriously, so I fall into neither category... I just LOVE music!!!!!!

  • bigwilly

    I started a couple new topics so we could keep on topic Punk Music SLC Punk (the movie)

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