In this corner....Leolaia

by Iron Rod 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Leolaia

    First of all there are lots of other people here who could stump anyone from the GB in a debate. That's because (1) so many of you are so incredibly bright , and (2) the GB are bureaucrats, not Bible experts or theologians. They got into their positions of power through loyalty to the command structure, not through their knowledge of scripture. They make religious decisions by committee and usually for practical reasons. But of course, debates are not their thing, so nothing like that would ever happen. Neither are they my thing, btw, and I would always prefer a non-confrontational style of discussion. And as TD brought out, there are so many aprioristic assumptions and the premises that the Society makes (not to mention my own exegetical premises), that it is hard to imagine getting past square one. My interest in such a discussion would be more towards fostering an understanding of critical thinking and "thinking outside the box" than trying to prove any one point. I hope that is what I help encourage here too....but in this community we call JWD, there are many other wonderful people doing this good work too.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    He he he, she said exegetical. he he

  • Mary
    How about...Leolaia vs. Judge Rutherford?

    How about Gilligan vs. Freddie Franz?

  • VM44

    Mary, you are onto something! A better choice (sorry Leolaia) would be:

    The Skipper v. Judge Rutherford.


  • Mary

    Mrs. Howell vs. Ted Jackass Jaracz

  • Clam

    TD exactly right and well put.

    It's all a fantasy I'm afraid . . .

    Faithful and Discreet Slave versus The Evil Slave - this time it's personal.

  • cultswatter

    Throw in some of cultswatters frankenstein pics to balance everything out.

  • greendawn

    They are a very secretive lot they don't even have interviews with journalists who are not deeply into religion. They are really afraid of debate or questioning.

  • Iron Rod
    Iron Rod

    As I stated in my original post, I know that none of them would agree to it. I was just enjoying a little fantasy. Some of you really got right into the spirit of things. I liked the Gilligans Island ideas. (Skipper: "I'm not fat, I'm big boned." Gene Smalley: "Well I say you're fat, so I'm disfellowshiping you!" )

    Leolaia vs. Judge Rutherford? Does this mean that he, like Brother Russell before him, is still directing the Organization from the spirit realm? Sounds like a potential battle of egos that even Heaven couldn't contain. Thanks for the "new light" Brother VM44!

    All kidding aside....Leolaia, you do ROCK!

  • Iron Rod
    Iron Rod

    I forgot to mention in that last some of you alluded, there are several really sharp people on this forum. I wholeheartedly agree! I could have picked Narkissos, Alan F., Terry or any one of several others of whom I am too tired to type out right now.

    I picked Leolaia for two reasons :

    1. She is my favorite Poster, and

    2. In my scenario, the fact that she is a woman makes it even better. Being drilled by a woman would shatter Teddy's fragile male ego, thus facilitating the major meltdown I envisioned.

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