I know that a lot of JWs are very proud of being JWs, but ever since I can remember I would be very quiet about it. I wouldn't announce it at school or work. I would shy away from the subject. Now that I am an XJW, I am very vocal. I've mentioned this discussion board to several of my current friends, co-workers, and aquaintences. They all ask me, "What kind of discussion board is it?" I proudly say, "An Ex-Jehovah's Witness discussion board!" Is anyone else more proud to be an XJW than they were to be a JW?
Vocalization about being a JW v. being an XJW
by sweetface2233 16 Replies latest jw friends
Me also, after becoming a JW I quickly realised within a year that this was not an organisation to be proud of because it was too dictatorial and lacked fraternal love and I had some beliefs that on closer scrutiny turned out to be very queer eg the blood ban, the 144 000 as a literal number, and the FDS doctrines.
Not nice to be known as part of such a group and above all to try to bring anyone into it. -
Yes! I never told anyone I was a JW. In fact I spent most of my teenage years trying to prove I wasn't, needless to say it got me in a lot of trouble with my parents and of course the Elders!
Now I proudly announce that I am an ex-JW or that my parent's are but I'm not!
I had a patient the other day and it was her birthday. So I said happy birthday are you doing anything special tonight, she said oh I'm a JW. I looked at her with a sad expression and said, oh I'm so sorry Her response to me was why do you say sorry? Me: Because I was raised as one, tough start for a kid. She gave me a puzzled look, I told her to enjoy her day and she left!
I would rather people be assured that I am not going to lead them into a scam that initiates use of coercion and fraud as its primary recruiting tools. When I was told to let others know I was a Witless, they were afraid that I would pester them into joining. Sure, many wanted to know more about it, but obviously were not going to change their religion.
Now, I am able to discuss the religion from the other side. They are not going to get pressured into joining it, ever. I think most people would rather hear about the Christmas tree I put up than about the latest Puketower or that NR38, whenever it is coming out. And, since most people out there celebrate Christmas, they are likely to put up their own Christmas trees, and both can assist each other on that. Plus, I now believe that people should be free to believe anything they want, with free access to both sides of the story; I also believe that people should be allowed to change their beliefs when new information comes to the surface that obsoletes their former beliefs.
nope...im the same as i was as a jw. if someone asks, i tell 'em. i am what i choose to be, no need to broadcast it.
i was never ashamed of being a JW...mind you i was pretty naive, i didnt realise how people perceived us. these days i keep it very much on the down low...
No i'm not proud of being either, i wish i hadn't been so guilable in the first place to believe their crap and become a JW, and on the other hand i have a lot of explaining to do when people find out that i used to be one. So saying your an ex JW is a bit like admitting you've been fooled by someone.
So saying your an ex JW is a bit like admitting you've been fooled by someone.
I can see your point. However, for those of us raised as JWs, we really didn't have a choice in the matter. I never felt "fooled". I never believed the shit, anyway.
for those of us raised as JWs,
I wasn't, so i take the full force of the shame on the chin.
I don't even like telling people I am an ex-JW. However it is much easier than telling them when I was a JW.