beards are bad
What "Unwritten Rules" Did Your Congregation Have?
by minimus 73 Replies latest jw friends
Wow...I was a wordy bastard back then...
now you're just a bas.....
Can't argue that...I know many others would agree...
We had several chairs way behind the back row and nearer the door of the hall for DFd people to sit in. When you looked behind your shoulder at them, they looked like they were exiled to Siberia. They had to come in after the meeting started and leave immediately as it ended, as I recall.
Farkel, that picture actually made me laugh! You gotta keep the disfellowshipped lepers away from us!
There was an old stodgy brother in one hall that used to say that the closer you got to water (ocean), the less spiritual-minded the JWs were.
Did this brother have any idea where Brooklyn is?
Here's an interesting article about the white shirt only rule:
wt 89 11/1 Do You See Only the Outward Appearance?
The Bible requirement—God’s requirement—is that a Christian’s clothing must be neat and clean, well-arranged and not betraying a lack of “modesty and soundness of mind.” (1 Timothy 2:9; 3:2) Obviously, then, the elders in one congregation went “beyond the things that are written” a few years ago by requiring every public speaker in their congregation to wear a white shirt, even though pastel colors were generally acceptable in that country. Guest speakers who showed up with a colored shirt were asked to change into one of several white shirts kept in the Kingdom Hall for just such emergencies. How careful we have to be in order not to impose our personal taste on others! And how appropriate Paul’s counsel: “Let your reasonableness become known to all men”!—Philippians 4:5.
There was a congregation near mine that banned women from wearing red dresses. "Babylon the Great is wearing red in the publications! We don't want to be like that!"
We didn't have the white shirt rule but the rule I hated the most was the brothers had to where the jackets even in summer!! 45 0C in a non air-conditioned hall the Poor brothers looked as though they were going to faint by the end of the meeting.
Perhaps the Pharisees could take a few lessons from the Watchtower.