Letter that my DFed wife received from her Pioneer Mother

by Hangin_on 55 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Hangin_on

    We have been DFed for almost 3.5yrs and have been trying to get back in for 2 yrs and we are getting the runaround.

    Anyway..... Here is the letter my pregnant wife received from her Elderess Pioneer mother.

    Dear Mary,

    I am writing to ask you PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO TALK TO ME UNTIL YOU ARE REINSTATED. If you have important information to give me before you're reinstated,

    like your new address when you move or when the baby is born, please send a letter.

    I love you and will always love you as you will soon find out what a mother's love is like, but my love for Jehovah and desire to obey him is stronger.

    Continue to beg Jehovah for forgiveness and help to return to him, and humbly wait for his mercy. But in the meantime we must keep our relationship the way Jehovah's word outlines.

    I hope the time when we can resume normal relations will be soon


    Jane Doe


  • Hangin_on

    oh yeah my wife has been horribly ill during her pregnancy and her mother doesnt even call her. she was in the hospital etc.

    My wife was not even trying to call her mother she would occasionally maybe once every 2 weeks call her for 2 mins to ask her a question about pregnancy etc.

  • candidlynuts

    that is so heartbreaking

    who would want to serve a god that seperates family so brutally.

    hugs to your wife, i've had letters like that from my children and it brings me to my knees.

    if she has pregnancy questions let her know she's welcome to post them here, many of us here would be happy to help.

  • Mum

    You folks really need a support system. Maybe your wife could ask her gynecologist about a pregnancy support group she could attend. This cruel rejection on the part of her own mother can't be conducive to a healthy pregnancy. Your unborn child does not need this stress either. Please go to counseling and get the help you need.

  • Hangin_on

    thanks.... she found a discussion board that deals directly with her medical condition

  • BizzyBee
    I love you and will always love you as you will soon find out what a mother's love is like, but my love for Jehovah and desire to obey him is stronger.

    Your MIL's letter...!

  • Gopher

    Hi Hangin' on. I really feel for you guys, having self-righteous JW parents myself.

    We have been DFed for almost 3.5yrs and have been trying to get back in for 2 yrs and we are getting the runaround.

    Well, as the JW's say, the truth [their version of it] isn't for everyone. Maybe it isn't worth the fight.

    I hope the time when we can resume normal relations

    Do JW's even have a concept of "normal relations"? They reject "normal", saying normal isn't possible as long as this current system goes on. Your MIL could have 'normal relations' right now if she would just reach out for it. What specific scripture could she point to that would prove she should shun your family? Probably none, because it's only from the Watchtower that JW's get their methods of applying certain scriptures they want. (Again, whom exactly did Jesus shun?)

    Oh well, take care -- you've got more important things to worry about than the JW's right now.

  • dobbie

    So sorry for the unnatural way you and your wife are being treated, i'm pregnant right now too but my mil refuses to come to the house and will not see the baby when it comes. She didn't even visit my toddler when he was ill in hospital a few months ago. This sort of thing must be so stressful for your wife, i'm glad she's having support re her medical condition. Is there a particular reason you want to go back?Just wondering if it was to unite with the family, but remember what your mil cruelly wrote, her love will always be stronger for her god whether you go back or not.. I left the jws because of my childrenas i feel they have a better chance without all that way of life, are you sure you want to bring one up in it?

  • sspo

    Dear Mother,

    You will never see my address and will never see my baby.

    Enjoy the watchtower and when you feel lonely and depressed, call Bethel and they will be there for you.

    Have a good day

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Dear Mom 'er BirthVessle -

    I shall begin to find a life outside of the 'love' you offer. Your definition of love is not at all what I find in the words of Jesus. The perverted version of Jehovah that you worship is not godly or loving. My child deserves a real 'Grandma', not a plastic worshipper of a book publisher in NYC. I know why you are the way you are - but I am powerless to change your cold Watchtower-driven heart into a warm Christian one.

    So until the day you are willing to be supportive and loving and Christian, see ya'. You will never get to know your grandchildren on the Watchtower terms. We will raise them in a loving environment that encourages peace and cooperation between people, not a judgmentalism that rivals that of the Pharisee's. Good day to you, Ma'am.

    Your Seed -

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