SUN is All Over Peado Porter

by V 10 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • V


    Peado Porter in Service?

    THE wife of vile Jehovah’s Witness paedo Michael Porter vowed to stand by her man yesterday.

    Porter, 38, who abused a baby and 12 other young boys, was released by a soft judge last month.

    The Sun tracked him down to his new home, near where he strolled hand in hand with loyal wife Joanne.

    The couple mingled with shoppers — including children — in Edgware, North London.

    A family friend said: “Joanne says she married Michael for better or worse.

    “He is a changed man and she is proud to be seen out and about with him. Her love will save him.”

    But a shocked mum who saw Porter out shopping said: “He should be swinging on the end of a rope, not walking the streets as a free man. He’s a disgrace.” Porter is still a Jehovah’s Witness and calls at the homes of local people unaware of his sick past to promote the faith.

    Joanne’s loyalty mirrors that of the wife of disgraced actor Chris Langham who was jailed for ten months on Friday for possessing child porn.

    A judge showed mercy after reading a moving letter from the star’s wife Chrissie, 54.
    Porter — a ministerial servant to Jehovah’s Witness church elders in Clevedon, Somerset — molested boys by putting his hands down their trousers in “playfights”. One victim was interfered with as he slept in bed while another woke to find Porter on top of him.

    He abused the boys — aged from 18 months to seven — when he was trusted to act as a babysitter, take kids camping and host sleepovers. Porter — supported in court by Joanne — carried out the attacks over a 14-year period in the 1980s and ’90s.

    Judge Tom Crowther caused outrage when he spared him jail for 24 counts of indecent assault and gross indecency after hearing he had undergone therapy.

    He gave him a three-year community rehabilitation order at Bristol Crown Court, banned him from working with under-18s and put him on the sex offenders register.

    The judge said “personal” issues in Porter’s childhood made his actions “understandable”. However, Porter’s own sister Tina Hughes, 40, branded the judge “rubbish” and disowned her brother.

    She said: “He’s an evil monster with no soul. He’s not human. The fact he is flesh and blood is irrelevant to me. To me he is 6ft under. Dead.”

    The Attorney General is considering whether to appeal against the sentence.

  • The-Borg

    Denial has already begun with some witnesses, a sister at my hall told me how it was the society that uncovered it all and how he was disfellowshipped straight away, and of course his sister is an apostate! LOL. She wouldn't have it any other way, its all lies by opposers don't you know.

  • AnnOMaly

    This is the stupid thing. Langham gets jail time for possessing child porn - outrageous in itself, but he's not directly abusing - while Porter remains free despite over a decade of molesting kids. Absolutely crazy.

  • greendawn

    He was very lucky, that decision was in fact quite scandalous given what he did one would expect him to receive even a minimal prison sentence. But he walked free out of the court.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Are there no pickaxes?

    Are there no rugby bats?

    Are all British men on holiday?

    Why is this fellow still ambulatory?

  • BluesBrother

    brilliant ! The Sun is a tacky UK tabloid , but

    "The Sun is a tabloid daily newspaper published in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland with the highest circulation of any daily English-language newspaper in the world, standing at 3,107,412 copies daily in the first half of 2006" - Wikipaedia

    Lets hope the spread in the printed edition is as eye catching as the on-line one..

  • dedpoet

    That looks a lot like a ministry bag over his shoulder. Surely
    the elders aren't letting him out on the fs unsupervised? I
    read that one of their rules is that one of their rules is
    that anyone convicted of child abuse is only allowed in
    service accompanied by another jw.

  • Clam

    Cheers V - Love The Sun headline. . .


    LOL @ Nathan - Rugby Bats? There'll be people gunning for him, but if they touch him they'll probably end up with a custodial sentence for assault: ironically.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Clam said,

    LOL @ Nathan - Rugby Bats?

    Yeah, over here in the USA we play OUR rugby with BATS - the way Almighty Jeehovah intended!!

    It's a brutal sport, but the girls seem to enjoy it.

    OK, OK, I guess I meant cricket. But for the sport I have in mind, even an axe-handle would work acceptably well.

  • sf

    Her love will save him.”

    LOL!! Those silly jws.



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