What? Not even to post #15?
I guess we're getting better at scaring off the crazies! Go TEAM!
by donna4174 72 Replies latest jw experiences
What? Not even to post #15?
I guess we're getting better at scaring off the crazies! Go TEAM!
This person is obviously sparring with thier own shadow, which we all do to greater or lessor degree, depending on how honest we can be with ourselves.
Projection and DenialProjection is an unconscious psychological mechanism. We all project onto other people parts of ourselves that we disown, that we deny. We will usually not identify with the projected quality or characteristic at all. It’s them. It’s not us.
We will feel highly uncomfortable when we are around someone that is carrying a part of our Shadow. As I said before, and it bears repeating, there will often be a repulsive element to it. We will be repulsed by that person and whatever they stand for. It will feel like whoever they are is totally against our principles, moral values and ideals and we will be highly critical of their actions or way of being in the world.
So notice. Notice who comes into your life that irritates you or pushes your buttons. It’s usually something that is so unconscious within yourself, that it’s impossible to see that it’s about yourself. If it indeed is a part of your own Shadow, in time you are going to see how it’s going to start repeating in patterns.
Whatever we deem too negative to express, whatever goes against our highest ideals will be conveniently projected out into the world. Our energy is like a magnet and the unconscious is profound. It will draw to itself, itself over and over again. And generally the person receiving the projection is what analysts call ‘a good hook’ for the projection. They will be acting out that quality or characteristic themselves and usually they will be doing it to an extreme so it is easy to see that it is them doing it. But as the 12-steppers say, “if you spot it, you got it.”
Thank you for the insighful post. I just started posting, again, after a two or three month "sabatical." It is refreshing to come back to such inspiring and encouraging remarks....thank you, again.
Hey, if you ever get to SW MO, look me up. We can go get a cup of coffee or whatever. If you are a female, we can have a guest with us at all times: Mrs. Williams would work fine.
Looking forward to an interesting meet-up!
Love you, too,
V PS: if you re-consider and keep posting, that would be great, too......
Vernon Williams
Monett, MO
Hey vernon, I've been through Monett. Nice town as I recall.
We hated Monett as JWs. The place just sucked. My wife called it "Moan-net" beacuse we felt "trapped and hurt."
Then we got booted from the Org. Now, we see what a great little city this is and how many wonderful people reside here. Funny how a taking off shit (oops) mud covered glasses improves one's vision.
Feeling a bit naughty, tonight...Donna really helped (you GO girl, rah!!)
Take care.
If there are any Roman Catholics here, please, add a bead for Donna....
Oh, John, if you get through agian....stop in for a cup of coffee....pm a week before: maybe Donna can join us: now, that would be a riot, I bet!
Hey Donna,
Sorry you feel that way. You're welcome to come back if you ever change your mind.
Twitch is right....consider comming back. I have found intense emotion, often resistive, occurres right before awareness and acceptance of what is real and true.
More people, here, have empathy with you than you can know.
I will give you a difficult time and then a "shoulder hug." (I never hug women beside my wife chest to chest....to embarressing.....just sharing....)
Take care,
Hey Donna
Come on over, we'll have a beer and a smoke.
Bet you won't feel the same after?
BTW we're not the demonic ones; cats are! at least according to the WT. and you know they're always right.
love ya. Andy
Well the fact that you were also looking at these pages and are posting here must make you demonic as well ?? Which "Jehovahs day" do you mean I missed the ones that supposed to have happened in 1914,1915,1918,1925,1942,1975 and by end of 20th century.
I hope she takes the time to read many of these nice posts and some of them should be pm'd to her. However, on the humorus side, I have had at least two posts on where the hell are all the demons/demonic activity is these days, and dang if it wastn't right under my nose.
still wondering about satan....oompa
ps- and it is "leave too late" not "leave to late"