Do You Still Want To Know The Truth

by The-Borg 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • The-Borg

    Or have you given up?

    Something is very very wrong with our world. Or am I imagining it and things really aren't that bad?

    Personally I think there are issues being played out about which we know nothing, we can only guess at ( I don't think it's the issue of universal sovereignty).

    My involvement with religion has taught me that they are intrinsically part of the conspiracy, no good ever seems to come from it, in fact it seems like a deliberate deception perpetrated on the human family to keep us in the dark.

    What am I trying to say? Well I do think there is a battle going on between good and evil, somehow, somewhere and the evil seems to be winning at the moment. Or is that a bleak viewpoint and you think humanity has a rosy future.

    I would love to know the truth. What is your take on things now?

    The Borg.

  • Clam

    Hi Bjorn Borg

    Being in the mindset that you know the truth is mentally asphyxiating in my opinion. Outside that box I can explore and learn, hypothesize and dream. I don’t know truth, but to be honest I like it that way. When you look for something it’s an adventure. When you’ve found it, it’s time to stop playing and go indoors.


  • bigdreaux

    clam, i couldn't have put it better.

    the way i see it, we need to try to fix our problems on our own and stop looking for unproven divine guidance. if there is some being known as god or whatever, i think he would or will let us know what's up when the time is right. in the meantime, love one another, and be a good person. let's try to make a difference together.

  • Honesty

    Define TRUTH...

  • The-Borg
    the way i see it, we need to try to fix our problems on our own and stop looking for unproven divine guidance. if there is some being known as god or whatever, i think he would or will let us know what's up when the time is right. in the meantime, love one another, and be a good person. let's try to make a difference together.

    That's about as good as its gunna get at the moment I believe. I think we are in some sort of dark age right now. God has got a lot of questions to answer from me, as far as I can see theres a whole lot of suffering going on for a whole lot of nothing. So the reasons for it better be good.

  • trevor

    People think they want to know the truth because they somehow think that it will reveal a grand plan which will be to their advantage.

    It could just be that this is as good as it gets and we are better off not knowing for sure.

    By the way. A non believer is someone with no invisible means of support.

    Hilarious - Hu!

  • Seeker4

    " Well I do think there is a battle going on between good and evil, somehow, somewhere and the evil seems to be winning at the moment."

    That type of thinking is why religions exist. Things happen, and along comes someone to label some of those things good, and others evil. Voila! We have religion.

    We live in a dangerous, beautiful, exciting, deadly, inspiring and joyous world. It's up to us to minimize the dangers and focus on the joys. The universe has no responsibility toward us, and is neither good or evil. It simply is. When a tsunami kills 100,000 people, it is not out of intent, it's simply the result of a number of natural laws that humans get on the wrong side of. When the earth grows plants that we eat or animals that we can kill and eat, it's not doing us a favor or watching out for us. Some of those plants can kill us. Some of those animals eat us.

    There is no great battle of good and evil - there is simply an active, non-conscious universe operating according to natural laws, and conscious humans who often act in ways that we label as good and evil. "Good" American soldiers shoot "bad" Al'Queda terrorists fighting for the freedom of Iraqis, at the same time that "good" Al'Queda members kill "bad" American soldiers for the freedom of Iraqis.

    Depending on your viewpoint, good and evil are always both winning the battle.


  • JamesThomas

    What am I trying to say? Well I do think there is a battle going on between good and evil, somehow, somewhere and the evil seems to be winning at the moment. Or is that a bleak viewpoint and you think humanity has a rosy future.

    I would love to know the truth. What is your take on things now?

    It can certainly seem that something is not right with things. Perhaps it's not so much about a battle between "good and evil", as unnecessary lost and confused hostilities towards ourselves and others.

    Psychologically speaking, we have come to identify our "self" with things and objects observed: thoughts, emotions, beliefs, situations, etc.. We desire peace and stability, however, it is the nature of phenomena, of objective things, to continually change and flow, so there is no stability, no peace to be had -- except for brief moments. This keeps us on edge as we tenaciously attempt to protect our tiny and fragile sense of "self" which is continually pushed about by a huge and dangerous world of "other".

    We have become lost in a story of a broken and isolated "self" and so we fight to protect it and gain some sense of wholeness and rightness...often at the expense of others. Man against man, tribe against tribe, country against country. We are even at war with nature. It's insanity.

    It does not have to be this way, if we simply see that our genuine Self is not the things observed or experienced.


  • poppers

    I like your post very much, Seeker4. I would say, however, that the universe is neither unconscious nor conscious, but that it is an expression OF consciousness - that consciousness, however, is impersonal. We as humans are part of what is unfolding, but our mistake is in thinking and believing that we are isolated individuals having our own consciousness. It is this separation away from the totality of everything else that creates fear and drives actions to ensure its sense separation through "self defense" measures. And it is also this separation that spawns the desire for answers and to seek refuge from that fear by creating a personal god to attend to our personal identity; the means for knowing that god is religion. It is through the lens of what appears to be individuality that labels like "good and bad" get applied. When searched for, however, no individual will be found that is distinct and separate from everything else. Without an "individual" then everything is seen as simply "what is" with no label or judgment attached to it.

  • ex-nj-jw

    The truth about what?


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